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Hey guys I have decided to continue writing this story. I love it as much as you do and I don't care if people may not like it because i don't include a certain canon ship. This is my story and I will include my own ship. Anyway here is the latest chapter and I can't believe this story has reached 5.8k reads. Wow that is amazing and it's only around ten chapters. Thank you! 


A dragon raid broke lose in the Viking village of Berk. Of course, it wasn't like it wasn't a regular occurrence.

Chaos spread through the village like wildfire. Literally.

Dragons swooped around the village, exhaling flames of destruction that incinerated buildings to ashes.

Many broke into the village's food storage, raiding food to leave the Vikings with less food to last the coming winter.

Sheep bleated with desperation as they were carried off by the claws of the unwanted pests.

Vikings poured out into the blaze. They wielded their best, and most trusted weapons used for every battle they fought. Shouts from fierce warriors spread through the blaze.

Gigantic torches rose from the ground, lit by flames.

Men rallied families from home, evacuating them to the Great Hall.

Some warriors had the courage and strength to fight these reptilian beasts with their bare hands.

Unfortunately, it did lead to some losing a limb or two. Blood poured out of flesh, staining the ground.

Although it led to such a tragedy, Vikings were not afraid of a missing limb or two. To them, their wound provided such significance of pride and honour.

Through the grey and orange smoke, arrows fired from watch posts, wounding a Monstrous Nightmare.

The crimson-red dragon plummeted to the ground, roaring in agonising pain.

The dragon collapsed in the heart of the town plaza, completely battered and defenceless. Yet, it did provide an opportunity for Vikings to kill it right on the spot.

A brute Viking charged towards the Monstrous Nightmare, axe held high ready to strike.

"Stop! You're only making it worse!" A woman's voice broke through the haze, stopping the man before he could go for the kill.

Valka grasped onto the man's axe, holding him back from killing the beast.

Sensing opportunity, the Monstrous Nightmare weakly limped away as the Viking grudgingly set down his axe.

When the man left, Valka suddenly caught something in the distance.

Up on a hilltop stood the Chief's home where flames engulfed the rooftop of the house.

Then a silhouette of a dragon broke through the Chief's home.

An uncomforting feeling nudged her heart. She knew her house wasn't a safe place right now. With danger lurking, she fears what might happen to-


Sensing trouble, Valka quickly clambered up the hill; axe grasped in hand.

"One night a dragon broke into our house, finding you in a cradle," Valka blinked, recalling flashbacks of Hiccup as an infant, "I rushed in to protect you..."

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