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Hey guys, so after a long hiatus I am back feeling inspired with a new chapter.



"I can't believe this. We're banished from the village!"

Hiccup was shocked and confused at the realisation he and his mother were not wanted in Edon.

After being dismissed, he went home, fuming. He replayed what the chief said just an hour ago, and it honest strucked him inside.

Banishment, even if it were just temporary sounded bad. Perhaps just as bad as when he was banished from Berk for befriending a Night Fury.

This time, they were banished for the most senseless reason.

Edon knew who he and his mother were; Berkians.

Well, for three hundred years, that is what the Berkians were. Now that Hiccup showed them the truth about dragons, maybe these Berkians could change.

Maybe they will learn to live harmoniously with dragons.

Only time could tell.

It wasn't fair that the Edonians would immediately accuse Hiccup and his mother as dragon killers.

After living on Edon for a while now, shouldn't the Edonians trust them by now?
"I know this seems unfair," Valka began, "but this banishment is temporary. The chief is just shocked that's all. Give him time to think over. He will eventually come to his senses,"

Hiccup silently cursed to himself. He collapsed on a wooden chair opposite Valka.

An exasperated sigh escaped from his lips.

"They should know by now we're not dragon killers," he shook his head angrily; "They should trust us. They should know us better by now. They should have accepted us, no matter where we're from,"

Valka look at her sympathetically. She had to admit, she was angry at the Edonians for doing this.

When she first came here, the people had welcomed her with open arms.

Valka thought she found a tribe who understood her and would accept her no matter what.

Alas, the people were judgemental towards strangers like her, especially strangers who came from a tribe that hunted down dragons.

Valka could understand Edon wanted to defend themselves against threats. But they were being too narrow-minded; much like the Berkians.

"Believe me, Hiccup. I know," Valka lean over, placing a comforting hand over his, "but you can't blame them for being...too cautious. These people do not easily let strangers live among them,"

Hiccup gently let go of his mother's hand. He stood up, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"What prove do they need that we're not killers?" he raised his voice, startling Valka, "Mom, we've lived in Edon for a while now. I thought they...I thought they consider us as one of them now," he let out a crestfallen breath, "Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe these people just can't trust us after all,"

Doubt stabbed Hiccup's heart realising this.

Valka opened her mouth to speak. She was cut off when the door flung open, letting in a gust of wind.

"Hiccup, do you have a minute?"

Hiccup whirled around, his green eyes narrowed at the visitor standing at the door- Gunner.

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