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Hey guys I'm sorry for the long hiatus. I have been busy with college and other commitments. But since I am on a break for a month, I will try to update regularly. Anyway here is chapter 9. Enjoy!

Hiccup stared at the shrouded figure in the dark.

Curiously, he moved closer, his heart thundering louder than Thor's thunder.

Then he felt a sudden nudge from his Night Fury.

Hiccup turned to his dragon, his green eyes calm and assured. His dragon didn't seem so convinced and knowing danger lurks ahead, he yanked a mouthful of his rider's tunic, urging him to get back.

"It's okay, bud," Hiccup spoke with reassurance, "You stay here, okay? I'll be right back," he glanced at the figure hidden in the shadows, "I need to check on something,"

Toothless fixed his reptilian gaze with his human.

Although he was worried, his human did seem so certain he will keep himself safe. So the Night Fury gently released Hiccup out of his grasp.

Toothless stood back, letting out a low whine.

"I'll be right here, Toothless. Don't you worry," Hiccup wrapped his arms around his dragon's neck, shutting his emerald green eyes for a moment, "Trust me, bud. Nothing will happen to me,"

Certain the Night Fury wouldn't follow him, Hiccup gently pulled away from their small embrace. He gave one last glance at Toothless, then slowly ambled towards the figure.

Cautiously, Hiccup climbed over rocks following the stream.

The closer he approached the figure, the more anxious he became.

Slipping a hand on his waistband, Hiccup sheaths his sword-Inferno. In case the intruder did try to attack, at least Hiccup could defend himself. Of course, he did have Toothless, in case something goes wrong.

Sword held high, Hiccup pursued the stranger, taking short shallow breaths.

He swallowed an anxious lump in his throat the closer he was in close contact with the stranger.

Peering over his shoulder, he made sure Toothless was still there, hoping nobody emerged and hurt him.

Shaking that thought aside, Hiccup proceeded towards the figure.

An ice cold touch penetrated down his spine. A gentle breeze swept along his skin, leaving trails of goosebumps beneath his sleeves.

Shakily, Hiccup clutched onto his sword, his footsteps being as silent as the night.

Perched over the stream, the stranger removed a wooden flask from their rucksack. They stoop the flask into the stream, gathering enough water to fill it up.

Hiccup slipped behind a shrub, cautiously watching the stranger's every move.

He sucked in a breath, his hands gripped tightly onto his sword that they grew white.

Curiosity flickered in his forest green eyes as he observed the stranger by the stream. One question kept circling his mind.

Who were they? More specifically, what were they doing here?

No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now