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So here's chapter five. Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote :)


"I don't get it," Hiccup said taking a bite of his bread.

After his shift was done for the day, Hiccup headed to the Meade Hall to have lunch with the others.

The Meade Hall reminded Hiccup of the Great Hall back on Berk.

Only it was slightly smaller and quieter.

Tapestry of dragons and chieftains throughout history ran along the timber walls.

The warm earthy colours of amber and copper lifted the dim, gloomy spirit of the hall. Something the village of Edon found comforting during the dreaded colder seasons.

After months of raining, the people of Edon had grown sick of the dull, mucky weather.

They were Vikings, however and could pull through anything Mother Nature throws at them.

"Get what?" Gunnar, sitting opposite to Hiccup muffled through his mouthful of fish.

Hiccup stared at the freshly smoked salmon on his plate.

Although it did look delicious, he didn't feel too hungry.

In fact, he lost his appetite ever since this morning's turn of events.

Bjorn had assured him everything was fine, and that Megadon was just a superstitious mad man. Nothing he said could be taken seriously; even if he was the chief's cousin.

Many did dislike him for his superstitious ways, and some claim he would throw the chief off his throne one day.

Hiccup let out a sigh, "That Megadon guy. He believed Toothless is dangerous. That he would harm anyone," he fiddled with his knife, "I mean, it's ridiculous. Toothless is my best friend. He'd never hurt me or anyone. There is no way his species cursed,"

He cast his eyes over the foyer, where the fireplace stood against the wall, igniting the dim hall.

A rug made of wolf skin laid in front of the fireplace.

Carved statues of magnificent dragons stood on either side of the doors leading to the hall.

Their open jaws spat out fire, warming Vikings who normally used the hall.

Rounded wooden table scattered around the hall, which were occupied with hungry villagers wolfing down their lunch.

It was already midday and the hall has never looked so full.

Bar tenders and waitresses enter in and out of the kitchen, serving customers.

"Well, he's wrong," Ingrid declared, taking a chunk of her apple, "Don't listen to what Megadon says. He hates newcomers, especially one with a Night Fury,"

Hiccup shot her a deadpanned look, "Well, that certainly makes me feel better, doesn't it?"

"Look, you get Ingrid's point," Gunnar said, casually leaning back on his chair, "That guy is as narrow as a spear. My guess is he had some kind of grudge and is afraid,"

Hiccup let out a snort, "Afraid of what? Toothless? What could have possibly done?"

"Not him specifically. Maybe a Night Fury," Gunnar explained then lowered his voice, "Did you see the scars around his neck?"

Hiccup shook his head, not recalling any scars on the man's neck.

"Well, rumour has it they're from a Night Fury," Gunnar declared, which shocked Hiccup the most out of the rest.

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