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Hey guys I know I haven't updated for a while because of college and other stuff. Well, here is chapter twelve for you. Enjoy!


By nightfall, the village of Edon died down to a silent ghost town.

Nobody, except for a couple of sentries, was out wandering the streets. Most of them were feasting in the Meade Hall or huddled against the fire in the comfort of their own homes.

Dragons were kept in pens close to their riders homes. They were exhausted after the day's turn of events and they needed to rest up for another tomorrow.

Owls hooted in the darkness. Yet, it was such a peaceful sound that nobody seems to be bothered by it.

A shrouded figure strolled through the dark alleys, guided only by the glistening moon.

Their heavy footsteps trudged passed sleeping homes. Their silent, intimidating presence was indeed one that would frighten any gullible child in an instant.

When the figure reached the outskirts of the village, they sprinted across a rickety old bridge, connecting the village to the forest.

Every now and then, the dark figure would glance over their shoulder, hoping nobody was pursuing after them.

Once the figure reached the forest, they darted through the forest, slicing overhanging branches with a well-crafted sword.

The figure leapt over logs, shoved shrubs aside and cautiously watched their backs for anyone that tried to follow him.

Luckily, nobody was out in the dead of night to stalk some cloaked figure.

The ground crunched beneath their feet as the figure sprinted further to the depths of the forest.

When the path became clearer, the figure peered towards the end of the forest; a secluded beach with skeletal remains of slaughtered wild beasts.

It certainly was a grim sight, and the only place in Edon nobody dared to go; for phantom sightings was a regular occurrence.

The figure halted at the edge of a hill that overlooked the beach.

Pulling down his hood, the figure, Megadon smiled grimly.

Through the distant fog, he could make out a ship headed for the beach.

Ah, just in time, he thought happily.

Megaton leapt down the hill, landing on a patch of sand. He paced closer to the beach's shoreline, anticipating the strangers' arrival.

He watched a wooden boat rowed from the ship towards the shore.

Three figures- one Megadon recognised while the other two he didn't, emerge from the fog. Shouts rang through the familiar figure, commanding the two others to quicken their pace.

"I thought you'd never come," Megadon strolled over to them as the man who had barked orders leapt out of the boat. His enormous weight rocked the boat.

His two henchmen exclaimed warily as they cautiously hauled themselves off the boat.

"Idiots," the enormous man rolled his eyes. He then pulled down his hood, revealing the scarred face of Horas the Merciless.

He turned to Megadon with a grim smile.

"Rumour has it a Night Fury is in your midst," he chuckled softly, "and a one legged boy rides it,"

Megadon gave an affirmed nod, "Yes. Nobody knows where they come from. Yet, I believe they have the mark of the Black Curse,"

Horas stifled a laugh then it escalated maniacally. His men imitated his laugh.

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