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Hey guys, here is the new chapter. Wow, I can't believe I am up to chapter 18 already. The maximum number of chapters in this book will be 35. So this will be a long book for me, and it will be filled with action and excitement. 

Depending on how I go with this story, I plan on making a sequel. What do you think, should I make a trilogy?

Oh, this chapter is quite long. Hope you don't mind. 

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, guys :)


"Horas the Merciless? My, that name does ring a bell,"

After returning to Edon, the sun had already set.

The village was covered in an array of shimmering stars in the ink-black sky.

Hiccup and his friends were gathered around a campfire outside his home, telling Valka about their crazy encounter with Horas.

As the teens continued telling her about their adventure, Valka was left flabbergasted.

"He claims to be the best dragon hunter in the archipelago," Gunner scoffed, chewing on a piece of salmon. He ripped a piece and tossed it to his dragon, who immediately gobbled it in one go.

"He's more of a sissy than a brave, scary, intimidating dragon hunter. Did you guys see how scared he was when we were firing?"

Gunner began laughing hysterically at the memory while the others exchanged funny looks.

"I swear I can beat him in a fight. That bastard doesn't scare me. Not one little bit,"

Runa looked at him, amused, "Yeah, sure...Viking warrior,"

"So, have you heard of him, mom?" Hiccup asked, petting Toothless' head, "Horas the Merciless. He...he is after Toothless because he wants to conquer the Archipelago or something. He really hates dragons, hence why he is a dragon hunter and keeps loads of dragons in cages,"

Runa nodded, "You should have seen his ship. It was full of dragons all caged up, close to dying. Luckily, I managed to get Echo in time," she scratched Echo under the chin, "If it weren't for Hiccup's crazy plan, we wouldn't have escaped,"

Hiccup gave a sheepish look, "Oh, come on. It wasn't my best plan. I almost got you guys in danger,"

"What? Are you kidding?" Gunner exclaimed, giving the boy a rough punch, "That was the sickest plan ever! I felt so alive when I was fighting those guards. I wanted to rescue some dragons, but Horas was quick to catch u. Fighting those guards was still pretty cool,"

Gunner then stood up then swung his axe in mid-air, as if fighting off some guards. "I was like, 'I'll rip off your head if you lay a single finger on those dragons' then they were like, 'not a chance'. But Gunner does not let a couple guards trample over him like a bug. Hello? I'm Chief's Arvin's son. They'll be intimidated if they ever met my dad,"

Once he composed himself, Gunner turned to Hiccup with a smile.

"Oh, of course he was pretty awesome with his flaming sword and all. Honestly, they were so scared of his sword. So epic!"

Ingrid glanced over at Hiccup with a stunned expression.

The Viking boy gave a sheepish smile as if his fighting skills were nothing. He stared at the ground, hiding the blush rising in his cheeks.

Toothless tilt his head curiously. He glanced at his rider then at Ingrid, sensing something was going on between them.

As a dragon, he never really understood humans and their affection towards each other. He could tell his rider was interested in his female friend.

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