Thomas aint helpin his bf

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Thomas ain't helpin his bf

The rest of the day seemed to go by too quick. All day Lafayette's voice haunted my mind, just reminding me about my death that would be occurring after school was over. Lafayette had challenged me to a fight. Fights weren't my deal, I'm not a fighter! I can't do this alone! My mind screamed as I put my stuff into my locker. Alexander Hamilton came into my view. He was walking towards me, an evil smirk. So many different smirks from Hamilton. Sometimes it was smug, sometimes it was evil, sometimes it was victorious. Nothing compared to Thomas' smiles. God, he's such a fox.

Alex slammed my locker closed, almost catching my hand in the process, but I pulled away. "Can you even last in a fight, Jamie?" He asked, leaning on my locker. The bell was going to ring soon and I couldn't be late for social studies. But my book was still in my locker, and Alex was leaning against it. I was taller, definitely, but I wasn't going to throw a punch at him. He was already starting to bruise on his jaw where Thomas had hit him earlier today. "I-I'm gonna try." I stuttered, biting my nails nervously. Wow, real brave James, real freaking brave. Alexander harshly shoved me, causing me to drop my folders. "How about we just fight right now? Unless you're scared." He said, his fists ready at his sides like predators about to pounce on me, the innocent prey.

"Hamilton, if you don't step away from James I'll tell Mr. Washington about all the bullshit you've been doing us! You wouldn't be the perfect teacher's pet anymore, would you, Hamilton?!" Thomas shouted, marching over to us with a stern look. He towered over Alexander, looking down on him with a glare that would probably even shake Mr. Washington. Id give my life to be dominated like that. Wait no james stop thats too gay.

I looked around and realized the entire school was watching, and a couple people were filming. "How about we just settle this like men, Thomas? After all, your little boyfriend Jamie has a fight scheduled after school with Lafayette! We could join them and settle this later." Alexander smiled. Thomas shot me glance and I gave an apologetic look back. Why did you schedule a fight with a kid who was rumored to have killed a man in 2011!? His eyes screamed. I'm sorry, i lost control of my actions, I am so sorry, Thomas... Mine whimpered back. As they continued arguing, their voices getting louder, I pulled out my inhaler. The familiar tight feeling in my throat was starting to show and I didn't think anything bad would come of it. Most people were focusing on Thomas and Alexander, so I wasn't that nervous. At least, not until Hamilton started to yell.

"THOMAS! JAMES IS HYPERVENTILATING!" He shouted, several people looked at me and I was completely fine. But it was Thomas' look that mattered to him. He whipped his head around and looked at me in confusion, most likely wondering why I wasn't dying. Alex swung his fist at Thomas, aiming for his jaw. As swift as an eagle (or some other swift thing?) I grabbed Alex's fist and twisted it, pushing him backwards and standing up straight. "LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU OBNOXIOUS, DISGUSTING, SON OF A WHORE, BASTARD OR I SWEAR TO GOD LAFAYETTE ISN'T THE ONLY PERSON THAT'S GONNA GET BEAT UP TODAY!" The crowd roared while Alexander and Thomas stared in shock. I wasn't done yet. "I'LL SEE YOU IN THE PARKING LOT, HAMILTON!" I shouted, marching away to anywhere but there. Thomas followed close behind. None of us dared to look back at Hamilton.

I went to the auditorium and sat on the stage, putting my head in my hands and taking deep breaths. Inhale, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6. Exhale 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Thomas stood in front of me on the ground. Even though I was high on the stage, he was still taller than me by several inches now.

"Not only did you just almost break Alexander's wrist but you scheduled a fight with the STRONGEST KID ON THE WRESTLING TEAM?! Are you going crazy, James!" He shouted, "Is your lack of air starting to affect your intelligence?!" Ouch. That hurt. I just kept my head down, taking deep breaths and trying not to cry. Badly, I wanted to yell back at him that he was always getting in fight and just hit Alexander in the face this morning! Thomas suddenly went silent and stared at me.

I mentally facepalmed, realizing that I actually DID say that out loud. "That's different! I know how fights work and how they play out!" He continued yelling and I didn't say another word. I simply kept my head down while Thomas yelled at me, talking about how he had to bail me out of this dumb situation. Even though, I was getting him out of situations every day.

Because that's what a FRIEND did.

Everybody, after the final bell, piled outside into the next door alley way, ready to see the quiet kid James Madison go head to head with one of the best fighters in school. I took deep breaths as I took off my school jacket and untucked my shirt, loosening up a bit for better movement. No part of me knows how to fight or how fights actually work, I'm just going by what I think is the right idea. I'm pretty smart though, and I know how animals act in fights in the wild. They try to seem bigger right? So, all I gotta do is make myself seem bigger and maybe he'll back out? We're about the same height, average, so I don't think it will work well... but it might work enough and that was all I needed.

Stepping into the alleyway there was Lafayette standing tall and proud. He had taken his jacket off and was wrapping cloth around his fists. My stomach did a backflip and then a front flip and I suddenly remembered how much I wanted to die. There was a bitter taste in my mouth, something metallic. It smelled like rotting food and garbage in the narrow alley. But it also reeked of Lafayette's body spray. Ocean Fiesta, the same as Jefferson's. I always liked that smell. It made me feel at peace and made my heart fluttery. But, now it filled me with a dark feeling of dread, like I was taking a slow, long walk off a short, rickety pier.

"Any reason you're late, Jamie? Making out with your boyfriend in the bathroom stalls?" Alexander smiled, handing Lafayette a water bottle. I nervously shook my head and looked away. The other times I had thrown a punch or yelled I was filled with pure rage and anger, right now I was just scared and lonely. Thomas had ended our argument with the conclusion that he wasn't going to be here to get me out of this problem. After he had left the auditorium I cried behind the curtains, rocking back and forth in a pathetic ball on the ground. Me and Thomas argued here and there but it hurt more and more every time, knowing that he probably meant every word. God, I'm so stupid. "How about we get started? Your boyfriend isn't here to help you huh? That's great." Lafayette smiled, raising his fists and getting into a fighting stance. Alexander stood next to him, watching with a grin. The crowd was roaring with excitement, most cheering for Lafayette; the rest, just happy to see a fight. Nobody in the crowd was rooting for me and I was going to lose this fight.

Hercules, from the sidelines, blew a whistle and Lafayette swung his fist, a malicious grin on his French face.

I made no effort to fight back.

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