Oh look it got worse ha ha

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Oh look it got worse ha ha

Me, Peggy, and Maria met up at the ice cream shop in town and sat in a booth, eating our ice cream and gossiping about anything that came to mind. Unfortunately, the subject constantly went to Jefferson and Jentsie, because that's all that was in my mind. Maria said, "I think you should keep an eye out. Jefferson got around a lot last year, who's to say he's learned any better over the summer?"

Peggy readied a counterclaim."Yeah, but only an idiot would cheat on James Madison. Look at him!" She said, gesturing to me. I smiled a bit and looked down at my ice cream. "Yeah, he's a cinnamon roll. But Thomas is a snake. He's probs cheating." Maria said, looking at me in sympathy. I sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. "It's just," I paused, "I've liked Thomas forever. Almost ever since we met I thought he was the cool, caring, handsome guy and now I finally have him but like... It's like finally winning a new laptop from a contest and then there's like 15 viruses in it. Or winning a new car and a week later it can't even drive without breaking down somehow." Peggy nodded and we paid for our ice cream, heading to the mall to go shopping.

Ah. Yes. The mall. Where teen romance is born and old fashions die. GOD, I REALLY Don't really care about the mall it isn't really a super cool place. It's kinda loud and they play current pop music. The escalators are fun though. We walked around the mall for about 2 hours until finally stopping for lunch in the food court. I wasn't in the mood to eat but the girls insisted I get some food.

Everybody has kinda started to notice that I never get enough to eat, so I guess they're all making sure I'm okay. "At least get a pretzel, they're absolutely delicious here!" Peggy smiled, taking a bite of the soft, salt covered pretzel bread in her hand. I rolled my eyes and got a small pretzel with a small coke to go with. We sat down and ate and laughed until a few minutes later when Maria and Peggy went silent. They were looking behind me. Peggy had sympathetic eyes; Maria a death glare. When I turned around my heart stopped and I paled.

Thomas walked into the food court with his arm slipped around Jentsie's waist. They were laughing about something but Thomas went quiet when he saw me. His eyes went wide, fully knowing he was in trouble. Tears started to well in my eyes and I turned back around. Give him a second chance, I told myself, give him the opportunity to correct himself. He walked over with Jentsie, his arm still wrapped protectively around her waist. Maria continued glaring, ready to fuck up a bitch, while Peggy was looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I mouthed a fake "it's okay" and pushed my food away, losing my appetite when Thomas began to talk.

"James, ladies! What are you guys doing here?" He had a smug smile on his face that made me wanna burst into tears. Peggy answered, "We were just chatting, walking around, stuff like that. There was no homework for any of the classes so we decided it would be nice to hit the town!" I couldn't help but comment, "Funny how when I texted if you wanted to hang out with us, you said you were busy with SO much homework. Shouldn't you be having dinner with your grandparents soon?" Thomas looked away with a nervous smile, and I simply glared at the table, taking a sip of my coke. Thomas said, "They canceled, heh, grandpa wasn't feeling too well." I simply pulled out my phone and came up with an excuse to leave.

"Shit, I gotta get home. Bye, Peggy! Bye, Maria!" I smiled, ignoring Thomas and Jentsie. Thomas called after me but I just kept walking, eventually reaching the exit and marching to the car. I heard the door open after me and his fancy shoes clacking against the concrete. "James! James wait!" He called after me, I stopped and turned around, tears beginning to roll of my cheeks and onto the ground.

"YOU KNOW I DON'T TRUST A LOT OF PEOPLE THOMAS! I DONT SAY I LOVE YOU TO A LOT OF PEOPLE THOMAS!" I shouted, attracting stares from people in the area. Thomas looked around at the people with an apologetic smiled and snapped, "James, people are staring."

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