I totally forgot for a full 2 hours what instrument laf plays wow

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We were late for school by 20 minutes. Everybody was already coming up with theories and fake gossip that had mostly been started by Charles Lee, John Adams, and Aaron Burr. "Well I heard they went to the bar and got laid!" One person shouted. "No way! They were TOTALLY fucking while bonding over their hatred for Hamilton!" Another one said, that one spreading faster than wildfire. The list of gossip went on and on and on, and it got crazier the farther down the most you went.

Thomas planted a quick kiss on my cheek before he hurried off to his debate class, probably ready to roast the shit out of Alexander. My face went red as i shuffled to the library. This was my independent study hour. I was supposed to have P.E. but I usually had doctor's notes getting me out of it. So eventually washington just have me a study hall period. But, I mostly just doodle a lot.

The library was empty as usual, so I sat at a table in the back and doodled in my sketch book. It mostly ended up being little doodles of cartoon Thomas yelling at cartoon Alexander. Alexander usually looked ugly as hell while Thomas was portrayed as a prince or an angel. I giggled a bit as I drew him surrounded by hearts while Alexander was crying in a trash can. I wonder what Thomas is doing right now. I've been to 2 of his debate classes, taking notes for when the school newspaper people were sick. I stopped going when Alexander insulted me in his presentation while toasting Jefferson. God, he's such a dick.

I scribbled over Alexander's face and huffed, shutting my sketch book and spinning around in the spinny chair. Geez, does the bell even ring? Ever? I sighed and got my notebook out, starting to sketch out elements when Aaron Burr walked in, Charles Lee and John Adams walking with him. Jesus he always gets whatever friends are the worst and most known in school. He's such a moron.

"James! Rumor is you've made yourself indispensable!"
"I don't know what you mean."
"You and Thomas are rumored to be dating."
"Thomas just stayed at my house because we were working on home work."
"Oh really? That kiss in the hall was, what? Some silly friend thing right?"

God dammit Thomas you adorable dick I'm gonna beat you up next time I see you

"Okay, Aaron, what do you want?"
"Just teasing with a friend."
"Why are you hanging out with Charles Lee and John Adams?"
"miss me?"
"No. You're garbage who never shares his opinions because yours afraid that your boyfriend Alex is gonna hit you for it."

Aaron blushed and huffed, turning away with the other two following him out the door. "James Madison, you'll regret crossing paths with me one day." He snapped before walking out. I muttered under my breath as I went back to work, "I already do." So I continued working on doodles and element memorization.

Once lunch time came around I sat next to Thomas, intertwining our hands under the table. "Aaron," I said, "saw us kiss in the hallway." Thomas glanced at me and asked, "Do you wanna take things slow? I'd be fine with that." I smiled and shook my head, placing our hands on top of the table. "No, it's ok. Let the world know that I'm yours." I smiled, closing my eyes. Thomas planted a kiss on my cheek and continued eating his food and scrolling through social media. Everything was fine until Alexander and Lafayette walked up.

"So you two are gay now?" He scoffed, "Actually, I already knew Thomas was gay as a unicorn on a rainbow. James, you're gay?" I looked at my phone as a distraction. "I'm actually bisexual. Like how you act with Eliza Schuyler and Aaron Butt." Thomas laughed so hard he snorted and Lafayette swiftly grabbed my phone, shutting us both up.

"Who's Doll?" Lafayette taunted, holding my phone high in the air. I whined, "Give it back!!!" Thomas stood up and shoved Lafayette, grabbing my phone from his hands before he toppled over into the ground. The cafeteria went quiet except for Charles Lee who was now chanting one word that almost gave me a panic attack.


I pulled Thomas back, already pulling him away from the crowd and yelling at everybody to shut up. He huffed and I could hear him counting by 2's under his breath. It was one of his best calming methods. Quickly, I pulled Thomas into the bathroom and started kissing his hand.
"Thomas, don't listen to them, don't listen it's okay it's fine." I whispered in between ever kiss. Thomas GROWLED, "Whos Doll?" I flinched a bit and pulled away. "Mr. Washington told me to get in contact with a student that was going to be coming here soon. We started talking more and now I have her number. Her name is Dolly." Thomas rubbed his eyes and hugged me, spinning me around a bit before kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry I freaked out." He mumbled, trailing to my neck. I shuddered and pushed him off. "We're in the school bathrooms, we have to get to class." I scolded, a sympathetic smile on my face. He sighed and hunched over like he was exhausted. "FIIIIIIIIIIIIINE..." We went to our separate classes. Him Math II; me band.

I stay in the back, praying that Lafayette and Alex and Hercules don't talk to me again-

"Hey JAMIE!"
"Oh I thought too soon again."

Lafayette matches over with a triumphant grin. "I want to challenge you to an instrument contest!" I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "Okay but I don't want to. You already ruined my physical pride I don't need my emotions pride, if I have any left, any more damaged." Lafayette simply laughed and blocked my way out of the percussion section. Unless I could parkour over some timpani drums (which I can't) I was trapped. "I bet my instrument could beat your silly triangle!" I protectively held my triangle to my chest. "I don't only play the triangle. I play drums, and wood block, and I'm literally the beat of the song. You wouldn't be able to follow without the bass drum, Laf." I mumbled, setting the triangle down. Lafayette picked up a bell mallet and hit it hard down on the cymbal. "Seems easy enough." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and took the mallet away, silencing the cymbal with my hand.

"You can't hit it with this mallet. This is a bell set mallet."
"No, it's a bell set. Xylophone is different."
"A high school band bell set is just normal, like this. But a xylophone set has a different type of metal. They can also be made of wood. They have a different echo to the noise as well-"
"That's stupid."

"OKAY," I smiled, "THEN SHUT UP AND GO TO YOUR SEAT AND STOP BOTHERING ME ABOUT IT THEN, FRENCH FUCK!" The teacher walked in at that moment and glared at me. With a sigh I grabbed my stuff and went to the office, already knowing I was going to end up with a detention for cussing at Lafayette. God, that's just what he wanted. For me to freak out and yell at him. I'm such an idiot... Why does Thomas even like me... I sat in the uncomfortable office seat and put my head in my hands, letting the silence settle until Mr. Washington showed up.

"James, babe, what are you doing in here?" I looked up to see none other than Thomas there, a confused smile on his face. He sat next to me and held my hand. "I cussed at Laf. You?" Thomas rolled his eyes, "Just some trouble with the Schuyler sisters. Nothing too serious. Once Angelica cleans her make up in the bathroom she'll be down here ready to make up some fabrication of what actually happened. I sighed and looked down. "Look at us. Getting into trouble with all the wrong people and just the right times." He laughed and leaned back in the chair just as Mr. Washington walked in. "Alright, boys. Thomas I'll take you first." He sighed, pulling him into his separate private office. Then Angelica walked in, taking a seat next to me. Her face was red with clear anger but her eyes were soft when she looked at me.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked, sitting up a bit. She nodded and asked, "Are you? Alex and the others did quite the number on you the other day..." I nodded in response and looked back down. "Did Thomas do something stupid?"

"Started judging me for my love choices! I can date whoever I want he doesn't own me! And he's one to talk considering him and that Petersen girl were all close to each other and lovey dovey yesterday morning!"

I froze.

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