I like cute fluffy bathtub scenes ok?

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A long time later and Thomas has no AIDS or HIV. Hooray. Everything is fine. And now I'm in the bathtub, surrounded by candles. I had some soft music playing in the background from my phone. WIth a soft sigh I closed my eyes and sunk deeper into the bubbles, my mind and thoughts being put at ease for a little while.

Recently I've been thinking more about me and Thomas's future and what we're going to do with our lives. I know that in every health class I've ever taken, they always say your high school lover won't become your husband or wife.

But, I don't know. I feel close with Thomas. He's become a lot more affection and kinder over the past month or so. I think he's the one, you know? It sounds ridiculous, almost everybody agrees that it is, but I can't get him out of my head. He's so beautiful and kind and loving to me. I can't imagine us ever splitting up.

There was a soft knock at the door and I smiled, knowing it was Thomas. "Come in!" I called, letting the bubbles rise up to my nose so only my eyes were showing above the mass of fluffy bubbles. Thomas opened the door a bit and saw me, smiling at me.

He opened the door all the way and I mumbled, "Hi, Tommy." He blushed pink and sat on the ground beside the tub, caressing my cheek. "Hi, baby." Tommy whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead. Every time he calls me baby it makes my heart flutter. I fall in love all over again every single time I see him. "You relaxed, love?" He whispered, putting one hand in the water to check the temperature.

I nodded. "Mhmm, the water feels like absolute heaven." I mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper. Thomas nodded a bit and leaned in, pushing the bubbles away to plant a gentle kiss on my lips. I leaned forward as well, placing one hand on his neck.

"You're so beautiful you know that?" Thomas asked against my lips, his hot breath seeming to attract me even more. That smug smirk was painted against his face and he moved to my neck, planting little kisses here and there.

I placed some bubbles on top of his head and he rolled his eyes, standing up. "I'm picking up lunch at that Chinese place you like. Orange chicken, chow mein, and a diet dr. Pepper as usual?" He asked, fixing his hair in the mirror. He grabbed a hair tie and I snapped my fingers. "If you put your hair up I'll choke you, Thomas." He stared at me for a second before setting the hair tie down.

"Do I really look like Lafayette that much-"
"Yes. It's disturbing."
"Not my fault we're doppelgangers!"
"Yeah, I know. Love you."
"Love you too."

Thomas kissed my cheek and waved goodbye, grabbing the keys and leaving me alone in the bathroom. I sunk into the bubbles once again and let out a sigh. Geez I am such a sucker for relaxation it really is a problem for me wow. I blew some bubbles away from my face and stared at the ceiling. It was a bit lonely without Thomas by my side. I guess I never noticed.

My phone buzzed and I carefully grabbed it off the short still next to the tub. It was Thomas's phone. He must have grabbed mine instead. Oh my god wait what if he reads my Sherlock fanfiction? I mean, that isn't the point but what if he reads it? Oh geez...

Baby: hey what're you doing tonight? ;)


Oh fuck no.

I got out of the tub and drained it, slipping my robe on and scrolling through the texts. I shouldn't be looking through his texts, it's not nice, but oh my god. Oh. My god. Oh my god! What the hell?! Why would he be texting her? Still? What? I know I'm trash and im not good enough but??? Why???

Thomas: hey cutie what're u doing?
Baby: nothin much u?
Thomas: thinking about you, baby~
Baby: aw you're such a sweetheart
Baby: so what's up with you and james?
Thomas: babe c'mon
Thomas: I'm just trying to figure out how to let him down gently
Baby: alright
Thomas: he's a total crybaby. You know I like strong independent women like you~

I growled and threw his phone at the wall, not caring when it cracked. I paced the living room, digging my nails into my own wrists. He's cheating. He's still cheating. He's gonna break up with me. We're done. We're gonna be done. He's gonna end us. He's gonna end me. I'm gonna end me.

I let out a huff of frustration, annoyed how quick my thoughts could transition. What am I supposed to do? He's gonna leave and... I went to my room and got dressed, grabbing Thomas's phone and plugging it into charge. I'm gonna have to pay for the screen to be fixed, there's no way he's not gonna notice that crack. He's gonna be so angry at me oh god.

"What's so great about Jentsie?" I mumbled, fumbling with the comb as I tried to fix my hair. There wasn't really anything to fix or brush but I could care less. My eyes started to tear up as I saw his phone light up, a notification appearing.

Baby: hey are you there?

God I wanna text her. Tell her how much of a snake like bitch she is. Ruin her relationship with Thomas. Ruin her. Ruin him. Ruin them. End them. End her. Grab a knife-

"JAMIE STOP IT!" I yelled, throwing the comb at the wall. I huffed and took off my shirt, marching to the bathroom and digging around for the razor. What drawer? What drawer? What cupboard? Which bottle? Which corner? Where the FUCK did i put my RELIEF?!

"James are you okay?"

I turned my head and Thomas was standing there, three boxes of takeout in his arms. He looked so worried about me and I couldn't even believe that it as real. "Yeah," I mumbled, "Just... I'm okay." He nodded a bit and began taking out the food in the table, setting aside a box of Orange chicken, chow mein, and a soda. I took it, walking to a chair and taking a seat. He handed me a fork and sat next to me, already eating.

"This is diet coke." I mumbled after taking a sip. He raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, that's what... oh, shit, you wanted diet Pepsi didn't you?" Thomas sighed, taking my hand. I looked at him and then back at my food, pulling my hand away and continuing to eat. "Yeah. It's fine."

"Have you seen my phone?"


"It was on the floor next to the tub. I accidentally stepped on it."
"... you're bare foot cracked my protected phone screen?"
"I'll pay for it."

Silence fell over us and he set his food aside, looking at me. "Baby, James, are you alright?" He asked. I looked away, fumbling with the ends of my sleeves. "I'm okay. Your phone is charging in the kitchen by the way."

Thomas grabbed his phone and then came back, leaning down in front of me. He smiled and kissed my head. "I love you, baby." He whispered. I couldn't believe him. I really couldn't believe him. It wouldn't click together in my head that actually loved me.

"I love you too."

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