James and Aaron Sitting in a Tree

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James and Aaron Sitting in a Tree~ (B R E A K I N G THOMAS JEFFERSON'S HEART~)

It was two days before prom night and me and Maria were in the gym, chatting. We were helping with the rest of the dance committee to set up for the big night. Alex was barking orders, Aaron was blowing up balloons (and then losing them and huffing adorably), Peggy was setting up her DJ table, and me and Maria were setting up the area to take pictures.

"Okay Jefferson supposed to be here for tables where is he?!" Alex snapped, tapping his foot impatiently. I immediately assumed that him and Alex weren't ...fucking anymore. Just a little deduction. He seemed much more angry than needed.

"I haven't seen him since the whole cafeteria thing. But, he texted that he overslept for schol." Jentsie answered. Before Alex could ask more questions the gym doors slammed open.



Oh my god...

Oh. My. God.


"What the fuck have you done?" Jentsie gasped, covering her mouth. Everybody stared as Thomas Jefferson walked in. He had serious bags under his eyes, a thermos of coffee, a loose black hoodie, and some sweat pants. He had two matching gold rings on his finger that I didnt quite recognize. But, that wasn't what we were freaked out about.

Half of his head has been harshly shaved off, completely buzzed. Only the right side of his poof remained, completely covering his right eye.

"Sorry I'm late I overslept I brought the tablecloth." He mumbled, exhausted as he walked over to Alex with a Wal-Mart bag full of party supplies. Hamilton actually looked sorry and took the bag. He set it on the table.

"Go set up tables, you know where they go."

Thomas immediately walked off, refusing eye contact with everybody.

"Jesus christ, what was he thinking?" Maria whispered to me, taking another roll of ribbon and curling it with the scissors.

"I don't know." I mumbled, looking away. Peggy walked over and began helping.

"Do you think he's okay?" Peggy asked, glancing at Thomas as he began setting up another table.

"I... He can take care of himself." I said, going back to work. I avoided all eye contact with Thomas and began curling ribbon. Well, attempting to. I have no idea how Maria does this.

"How do you-"

"Thomas, are you okay?" Hamilton asked, walking over to him. "I'm fine." Thomas snapped before Alex could even finish talking. "Are you sure?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know if you've noticed but... you're missing some hair, Jefferson." Alex taunted, leaning on a table. Jefferson pulled the table away and let it screech against the floor, marking it black. Hamilton fell to the ground and scowled.

"Fuck off, Hamilton."
"I'm the one in charge here, sexist, racist bigot."
"Yeah well... Leave me alone, okay?!"

Alexander glared at Jefferson. "Shit is about to go down." Maria mumbled, setting down her stuff as students got their phones out.

"What's your damage?! You walk into school late and wearing sloppy clothes and your hair chopped what the fuck?! Could you give some explanation?!"

Thomas whipped around and glared at him, eyes filled with fury. "HAMILTON I SWEAR TO GOD CAN YOU JUST..."

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