Francophile's not okay anymore

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"James," Maria sighed once we were in the car, "You gotta dump him. He's no good for you."

Peggy nodded along and Aaron said, "Even Alexander is a better choice than him... A dumpster is a better choice than him." The others nodded along and I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"I really like him! He's so... beautiful... and there's times when he can be really sweet and caring... I know he loves me he just... isn't good at love." I explained, looking out the window.

Maria said, "Reynolds could be really sweet sometimes too. I thought he was the perfect guy for me." Her voice sounded a bit longing.

But then she glared at the floor and clenched her fists. "But he's actually a punk ass bitch." Peggy kissed her cheek and I sighed.

"I... Okay. I know what I have to do." I nodded, sitting up and looking out the front window. Aaron glanced at me and then back at the road, his face flushed.

I smiled and announced, "I'm going to break up with Thomas once and for all." The others cheered and we went to our backup ice cream shop, getting even more ice cream. Aaron cleared his throat and made a mock toast.

"A toast to James and a new beginning for his love life!" Aaron laughed. We all joined in on the toast and laughed. I was planning how I was going to break up with Thomas.

I'll probably go up to him in school. He can't hurt me if we're at school in front of people, the cafeteria example. I would never text dump somebody because that would be absolutely awful. Also, I think it'll be easier if my friends are with me. But, they have to stay quiet.

This is gonna be really hard. Like, the breakup is easy for both of us but I don't know what to do with my love life afterwards.

I got friends that I can lean on. Aaron, Maria, and Peggy are super nice to me in comparison to my previous friends. Thomas has his friend group.

But, I don't know. I've only ever liked Thomas. He seemed like the perfect guy and then he turned out to be a total let down.

But, I think once I do this it'll be really good for me. I have to leave Thomas once and for all in order to continue on with my life. What we have is messy and bad and doesn't feel good for me at all. I need something healthy and Thomas isn't that.

He isn't good for me and I am so glad I finally realize that. So, I'll break up with him with my friends behind me in case I need back up. He'll hopefully just accept it and not try to push anything on me. It'll be fine. This'll be fine. We'll be fine. It's fine.

When I finally got home and they all left, I went to my room and rummaged around in the back of my closet. Way way way in the back of my closet is a fancy, dark blue case with-

"Got it!" I cheered, pulling out the ukulele case. I haven't played it in a long time because everybody said it was a stupid instrument.

Soooooo I kiiiiiiiiinda got bullied into complete silence to the point that I never picked up another instrument besides the drums ever again.


Swiftly I undid the locks and opened it up. It was a clean, black wood with some fancy bright blue strings I got from the store.

I remember how I practically squealed when I found out they had colored strings for ukulele. They always carried colored electric guitar strings but no ukulele strings and it was always so annoying. But they finally put them in stock!

I gently strummed the strings, finding it miraculously in tune. G C E A. I hummed a melody and strummed a couple chords, pouring my heart out into the music. My eyes closed and I sang. Warning, even though you can't hear it, my voice is complete shit.

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