iiiiiiiiiiiiii can't write sex scenes

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iiiiiiiiiiii can't write sex scenes


I was so thankful it was a Friday yesterday. Today, Saturday, I busied myself with housework. I cleaned the bathrooms, organized my bookshelves (I have a bunch of old books), dusted every antique I owned, did the dishes, cleaned up my room, and now I was putting laundry away. My phone buzzed for the twelfth time that day, a permanent reminder that I did not meet Thomas outside after school. I've been distancing myself from everybody. I simply texted that I was busy. Except for Thomas though. I haven't texted him at all today and I don't plan on it either. If he wants to schedule fights with an inhaler boy then he can go ahead and wait forever for all I care, I'm not gonna bother canceling. It buzzed again and I set my laundry down on the floor, picking it up and glaring at the screen. 12 texts from Aaron Burr, 5 calls from Peggy, 4 texts from Maria, 1 text from Thomas. Only 1. Good.

It suddenly popped into my head that Thomas was not the kind of person that decided to only send one text. He was a double texter until the day he died. My loving side took over and I rushed to open my phone, almost having a heart attack when I read the text.

I'm coming over in 10 minutes.

The text was sent about 15 minutes ago. I dropped my phone and rushed to the front door, ready to lock it but there was already knocking. Mentally screaming, I froze, unsure of what to do next. The knocking was soft and gentle, similar to Jefferson the night we kissed. My mind got fuzzy when trailing back to that night. God, his hands on my body were sO GAY. JAMES OPEN THE DOOR YOU IDIOT. I rushed to the door and opened it, looking at Thomas. He had no makeup on to cover up the bruises I had given him. My wounds were worse than his and I looked down, afraid to study his face for the first time in years. He asked quietly in a monotone voice, "May I come in?" It was so unnatural to hear him like this, blank and dull. He had never talked to me like this. The only time I had ever seem him so despondent was when Sally broke up with him. But it had only lasted a few moments before he proudly put his arm around me and said friends were better than girls. I remember how badly I had blushed in front of him.

A hesitant nod and an awkward shuffle later and he was in my room, sitting on my bed on his phone, scrolling through whatever social media he was obsessing with this week. I was back to putting my laundry away, trying not to ruin the silence. But, it was an awful one. It was a silence that held sorrow and pain and grief. It laced around in the air like bugs flying around in the sticky summer air. Annoying, unpleasant, and something I think we both wanted to not have around anymore. Thomas was still looking down at his phone, entranced by whatever news he was reading. I turned back around to my closet and began organizing the clothes. Jeans on the upper left, tshirts next to that, suits on the far upper right, shoes at the bottom of my closet, boots on the left, shoes in the middle, flip flops on the right, scarves and hats arranged on the shelf-

"I'm here to apologize." He said. I turned my head and glanced at him to see he was looking back. His eyes looked unfamiliar, laced with a feeling I have never seen in him before. I turned back to the closet, suddenly angry. "Then do it and get out already."

"I'm going to."
"Then do it."
"I just don't know how, James. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong that night I just wanted-"
"Wanted a good fuck? Good to know. Get out."
"James you aren't letting me finish."
"Say you're sorry and then leave."
"Apologizing isn't that simple!"
"It can be if you tried!"

I turned around and let the tears run down my cheeks. My face was red, I could feel it, and my fists were clenched at my sides. "I don't tell people a lot of things, Thomas! I don't trust a lot of people, Thomas! I don't have a lot of friends, Thomas! But, I have you, THOMAS!" He went quiet, now standing up and keeping a glare on me. But, it didn't seem to affect me in any way. The insults overflowing in my head didn't affect me. I didn't drown. "I've loved you since day 1 that I met you and after years of watching you chase after every other girl and guy on the block I FINALLY admitted my feelings to you! On a day that I was already feeling helpless and broken! In return you said that you loved me and I fell for you! HARD!" Thomas looked down at his shoes.

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