Info about the characters.

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The boys are eleven years old. They are all heroes. Damian is: Nightwing
Tim is:Red Robin
Jason is: Red Wing and Dick is: Robin
Dick is the only one that joins the young justice team. Damian wants to be around his father more, to study him also he doesn't want to be in some kind of club. Tim on the other hand would love to join but his anxiety has gotten the better of him and he is too nervous to join and be around young heroes his age, except for his brothers. Jason has too many anger issues and thinks that it is very stupid so he passed on joining the team. Dick who is a social butterfly thought it was amazing and went feet first into it.

He is the eldest of his brothers. He is a bit stand-offish, he has difficulties showing his emotions around others. He is very smart, he enjoys learning different languages. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to be the best, to stand out among his brothers. He wants to be just like his father. He is very polite. He from time to time deals with problems of anger. 
He is very protective of his brothers and would do anything for them, but he hides that from them, often surprising them that he cares, has a heart. 

He is the second oldest out of his group of brothers. Tim is the smartest of them all and at times that can be his downfall. He is constantly bullied at school and made fun of by his brothers. He struggles with social anxiety, deals with panic attacks and a eating disorder: anorexia. At time his social anxiety causes Tim to become mute. He can't speak and sometimes when he becomes like this, it can go on for weeks at a time. The family all learned ASL (American Sign Language) to help Tim speak at times without saying a word and for the family to better communicate with him. He is very kind and caring. He tried his hardest to make his father proud. He is at times looked over or forgotten. He cares about his brothers a lot, and when push comes to shove, he will go to the ends of earth of his family.

He is a hot head. He struggles with his anger a lot. He always distance himself from his brothers and family. He and his father struggle to understand one another. Jason also struggles with school, he has difficulties with reading, writing and math, which makes him only more angry because all of his brothers are so smart. He is very athletic and plays many sports to distract himself. He also loves to bake, and a lot of times he is off in the kitchen baking. He really enjoys spending time with his butler Alfred, for Alfred seems at times to be the only one who gets him. But, he is very caring and if anyone messes or harms his brothers, he will bring hell down upon them.

Richard 'Dick': 
Dick is the baby of the family. He is very hyper and is always bouncing off the walls, he is also very talkative and happy. Dick is full of energy and kindness. He is very bright, he loves school a lot, he is also very athletic. He, also like Damian likes learning different languages. He likes messing with the English language, creating his own versions of words. He tries his best to please everyone, many times putting himself last. He sacrifices a lot of his time to his family, many times missing out of what a normal kid would be doing or what his brothers are doing. But his kindness also hides many other things too. He struggles with Depression, anxiety, being bullied. He also has an eating disorder and struggles with many insercuritys in his life. He has insomnia and he deals with nightmares, night terrors and also panic attacks. Dick in secret has been self harming.

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