Chapter 8- Space needed.

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A/N: Mention of self harm.

Roy Harper's apartment| 3:41 A.M.|

Dick rolled over and slowly opened his eyes to find Wally asleep beside him. Dick slowly sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes clear. The light from the moon was shining into the small bedroom, casting a few shadows and causing just enough light for Dick to see who was in the room with him. Roy was asleep in the corner in a chair, Jason a bit off in the distance on the floor asleep, but no sign of either Damian or Tim. 

Dick glanced back over at Wally and then got up slowly from the bed. As soon as he rose to his feet he wobbled, a bit of balanced but shook his head and paid no attention to it. He slowly made it to the bathroom and closed the door behind him, memory flashes of him being in his own bathroom at the manor played out in his mind. He closed his eyes tightly, trying not to think about it, but that was pretty hard to do when your body had it all mapped out on you. Dick opened his blue eyes and looked down at his arms and then quickly glanced up at the mirror. Tears were filling his eyes but he brushed them away quickly, he was so damn tired of crying all the time, looking and being weak, it was terrible. After a few seconds, Dick exited the bathroom quickly and walked into the living room to find both Tim and Damian asleep.

Dick slowly walked around and left the apartment quickly, he felt like there was no oxygen inside the apartment. He just needed some space, some air to clear his mind. He glanced back at the door real quick, not really wanting to leave but felt like he needed to so he began to walk away from it.

He didn't really know where he was or where he was going to but he kept walking around. Eventually his phone began to ring in his pocket, he hadn't realized he had it on him. He pulled it out and looked at it, it was Wally.
A part of him wanted to answer it but another part didn't. He loved Wally but he didn't want Wally to feel like he had to be with him in fear that Dick would do something. Dick sighed and shoved the phone back into his pocket and kept walking off in the early morning.

 He soon made it to a park and sat down on a bench and listen to the bird singing, in the chilled morning air. After a moment he reached for his phone. He still needed time to think but he was feeling really lonely and down and could really use Wally right now. Dick desperately needed a hug or to be held by the speedster.

Dick noticed that he had a two voicemail from Wally, so before he texted him, he decided to listen to it.

[First voicemail]
"Dick? Hey, man where are you? I just woke up and your gone. Dickie please call or text me, I'm freaking out here.''

[Second voicemail]
"You need to call me back so that I know you're okay, please. Please call me back....I love you.''

Dick could hear the fear and concern in his voice. After hearing the second message, he allowed the tears he was so desperately trying to hold back fall from his eyes and leave tear tracks upon his face. His hands were shaking a bit, he should have told Wally, he was so selfish, leaving like that. He was such a terrible person. Dick then thought about how worried his brothers and Roy must be right now too.

"They hate me. They all are going to hate me. I'll be left with no one'' Dick thought ans brought his hands up to his face and cried in them but then he heard Wally's voice in his head saying 'I love you' and Dick quickly sent him a text.

D: Wally?

[2 seconds later]
W: DICK!?! OMG!! Where are you? Are you okay? 
D: I'm okay. Don't really no where I am, not feeling the aster right now.
W: Okay just tell me what you see, I'll be right there. 
D: Okay Walls. 
D: I'm in a park
W: Got it. 
W: Be there in a flash
W:No Jokes Dick!  
D: haha okey dokey

Dick waited about 4 minutes alone before Wally was by his side.

Wally spotted Dick and zoomed right to his side on the bench, almost knocking Dick over and onto the morning wet grass. Wally quickly threw his arms around Dick held him close. Wally closed his eyes and squeezed tighter, afraid if he let go he would lose Dick forever.

"Walls...can't b-breathe'' Dick whispered and Wally pulled back, red faced. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at Dick.
"Sorry'' said Wally. 

Dick then reached over and gripped tightly onto Wally's hand. Wally looked down then up at Dick. Wally felt like he could get lost within Dick's amazingly blue eyes. Just then Wally lean forward and pressed his lips against Dick's cold lips. Dick's whole body was cold, most likely from being outside this early in the morning in just a long sleeve t-shirt and sweat pants. 
Wally move his one hand that Dick wasn't holding and placed it on the side of Dick's face. He was melting in their shared kisses. They kissed until they had to pull away for air. 

When Wally pulled back he saw Dick's face red. He chuckled and then peck a small kiss on his lips before pulling Dick back into a hug. After a moment they moved on the bench, where Dick was curled up with his head in Wally's lap.

Wally ran his fingers through Dick's hair because he knew how much Dick liked it and how it calmed him down.

"I was really worried about you'' Wally said and looked down at Dick who suddenly bit his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut, just beginning to shake and cry.
"Shh... it's alright. I'm here for you no matter what Dickie.'' Wally said and lean forward and planted a kiss on Dick's check, getting Dick's salty tears on his lips.

"I was so worried'' said Wally and looked out to see the sun coming up.

"I'm glad you were'' whispered Dick who quickly grabbed Wally's hand and gave it a squeeze and a small kiss before relaxing. Wally looked down at Dick and watched him until Dick's eyes grew heavy and he drifted off into sleep. Wally chuckled then texted Roy where they were. 

"I love you so much'' said Wally and leaned forward and kiss Dick on the lips.

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