Chapter 1-Regular day.

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A/N: This chapter is about a regular day for the Wayne family, mainly Dick.
Mentions of self harm, depression, nightmares and eating disorder.

Wayne Manor
5:07 AM

Dick's eyes began to open as he rolled onto his side to look at his alarm clock. With a sigh he got up. Patrol wasn't over until 2 in the morning and he didn't manage to fall asleep til 3:30. He sighed again, because it was only 5 in the morning and he was awake, he knew full well that there was no way he was ever going to fall asleep. It was Monday, so he had school and would have woken up regularly at 7:20. But oh well. Dick threw on his work outfit and headed off towards the family gym. He crept through the halls, not wanting to wake any member of his family up. He knew that Alfred, their family butler, caregiver and most importantly friend would be getting up any moment now to begin his day. Dick, along with his brothers all thought of Alfred as their grandfather. 

Dick entered the dark and cold gym. He flicked the lights on and his face lit up. He walked right towards the bars. He began to do flips and turns on them.

Alfred walked passed the room, seeing the light on he looked inside but not allowing the young boy to know of his presence. Alfred wore a sad expression upon his face. Both he and Bruce knew of their youngest having insomnia. Alfred had on multiple occasions found the boy going days without sleep then finally collapsing somewhere. He had risen his worries to Bruce but he wasn't as worried about it as Alfred was. Bruce stayed up all hours of the night too and sometimes had to be told when to get some rest but a boy Dick's age should be sleeping more. Alfred sighed then left to begin making breakfast.

Dick's wrist watch than began to beep. He glanced down at it then sighed, it was time to get ready for school. He let go of the bar and did a double back flip. He landed easily and then jetted out of the room and upstairs to his bedroom.

As he ran through the halls he ran pasted his older brother, Tim. Dick knew that Tim woke up at seven. Dick shot Tim a smile and waved at him before entering inside his room. Tim stopped and glanced back at Dick's bedroom door, for some reason Tim got the feeling that something was off with Dick this morning, but decided not to bother him, nor through his whole schedule off, he sighed and walked downstairs, reading his book carefully. 


Dick quickly jumped into his shower washing off all of his sweat. After his shower he dried himself off and got dressed quickly, feeling like he was running behind. He then walked into his room and sat down upon his bed. He glanced over at the clock, he still had plenty of time left. He opened his nightstand table and pulled out a small wooden box. Inside the box held his razor blade. He picked the small metal piece out, staring at it before he brought it down upon his wrist. He pulled the blade slowly across his skin making a cut. His blood beaded on the cut then it began to run. He quickly wipe it away before making another cut below it. He then cleaned his arm of the blood and put a band aid over it before pulling his long sleeve shirt down and heading straight to the door.

Dick walked slowly down the stairs not wanting to go into the kitchen. He was hungry but he couldn't eat, he didn't want to. 

As he reached the bottom of the stairs Alfred got him before he could make it towards the sitting room.

"Ah, Master Dick, it is good to see you up. Breakfast has been served in the kitchen this morning.'' said Alfred with a smile. Dick sent him one back but took a step in the opposite direction.

''Ah no thanks Al, I already ate. But thanks'' said Dick. He waited to see Alfred's response, but only got a nod. 

Dick walked over towards the sitting room doors and pushed them slightly. He could see his big brother sitting in an armed chair reading. 

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