Chapter 7-At Roy's.

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A/N: Contains strong language. And tiny bit of birdflash.

Roy and Wally waited for a little bit before the boys stormed into Roy's apartment. 
"Shh!" shushed Roy at them, Dick was asleep in his bedroom and he didn't want them to wake him up, he had been through a lot and totally deserved some rest before he had to face reality once more.

"Do you got it?" asked Wally and Damian shot him a small glare before answering him.

"We're not stupid West!'' shouted Damian and Roy walked over towards his bedroom door and yanked it opened, showing them a sleeping Dick. Damian sighed and nodded his head and walked over towards the couch. Jason went straight over towards the fridge and reached over towards a beer but Wally snatched it away quickly and shook his head. Jason then rolled his eyes and sat on the arm rest, beside Damian. 

Tim slowly walked over towards the bedroom and looked at his baby brother. He then turned to face Roy.
Without speaking, Roy could tell what Tim was asking and he nodded his head and allowed Tim to go in and check on Dick. Tim closed the door behind him as Wally got ready to press play on security tapes from the Bat cave.


Damian, Jason, Roy and Wally sat there in silence as they watched what happened in the Bat cave go down, what lead Dick, their little brother to cut and ended up here at Roy's hiding out from everything.

[security tape begins]

  "Dick, I need you to explain to me why the hell you would be doing this? Are you freaking crazy?!? You need to stop this! This...this is serious! Are you searching for attention, trying to copy off your brother? Dick are you trying to F*cking kill yourself! That's it, your fired from being Robin. If being Robin and going to school was a little too much for you then you should have spoken up and not done this stupid act for attention!'' said Bruce. 

Wally watching this jumped a little bit, his heart breaking. He could see on Dick's face the pain, hurt and anger. He could see how his best friend was trying his best to hold in all the hurt but he finally exploded and Wally and the others couldn't blame him for finally, in the very first time in his life he expressed himself, he finally let his feelings out.

  "Don't Judge Me! I already feel guilty and ashamed. Please don't make this worst Dad! I would stop if I could but I can't! I don't know how! Everything is so much right now and...I wasn't trying to kill myself, that not what this is about! I felt nothing, I was numb and I needed to feel something. I already felt guilty about it. Now...I feel even more guilty.'' Dick yelled and he looked away from Bruce for a moment.

Just then Roy stood up and marched over towards his bow. Wally shook his head and raced over and yanked the bow from his reach. 
"Stop it Roy." said Wally.

"No Wally! Bruce doesn't give a fuck about Dick! Dick is..." began Roy but Wally shut him up. He placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back over towards the couch. 

"I know but what matters here is Dickie, okay? We can be as mad as we want with Bruce and how he acted but..." said Wally but Damian stood up and interrupted him.

"He is our father and the only one to deal with him will be us. Richard is our brother, and this is our family matter.'' said Damian. Roy pushed past Wally and walked right in front of Damian, who crossed his arms.

"Dick maybe your 'blood brother' but he is mine and Wally's brother too! We care about him just as much as you do, maybe more! I'm going to do what is right and best for him, no matter what your little punk ass says about it!" shouted Roy.

Tim then opened the bedroom door and glanced over at everyone.
"Did you guys forget that Dick's a light sleeper?" asked Tim and everyone almost sighed at the same time. 

"Is he?" asked Jason and Tim nodded his head. Tim looked back at the door then slowly walked over towards the others. 
"H-he heard you guys screaming and freaked out. He had a small panic attack, he thought y-you guys were angry at him. I-I tired to convince him that wasn't the case but....I don't think he believed me. He cried in my arms until he finally relaxed enough to lay down. He isn't asleep yet though, he wanted to be alone.'' said Tim. 

Wally looked at everyone and raced inside of the bedroom to Dick, no one tried to stop the young speedster.
Roy joined them back on the couch and finished watching the video from the Bat cave.


Dick was curled up on his side, shaking in the bed. The room was pitch black which Dick felt what his insides now must be. He felt so low, so broken. That this darkness he had fallen into was swallowing him up and he was never ever going to see any kind of light, hope or love again.

Just then, the light from outside of the bedroom slowly spread into the room as Wally pushed the door open. 

Dick still laying on the bed looked over at the door and saw Wally. More tears ran down his face and he began to shake more. Wally not waiting a second, sped over and laid behind Dick, his chest pressed against his back and his arms wrapped strongly around Dick's shaking form. Wally hushed him as he cried and cried. Wally shut his eyes as he held onto Dick.

After a bit, Dick had calmed down and stopped crying, but didn't move an inch to get out of Wally's hold.

"I love you Dick.'' said Wally and pressed his lips against Dick's tear stained checks. Dick inhaled sharply and then turned over so he could face Wally. 

Dick's blue eyes met Wally's dark green eyes and in a sudden movement, Dick leaned forward and kissed Wally.
Wally leaned eagerly into the kiss and then quickly pulled Dick closer towards him and then flipped real quick, having Dick laying on his back with Wally over him. Wally searched Dick's face and then leaned back down, pressing his body against his and his lips moving along with Dick's lips. Wally's hands were soon on the back of Dick's head, his fingers laced within his black hair. Wally took control of this, of the kissing. Opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out and swiping it across Dick's lips. He could feel Dick smiling and he opened his eyes and could see Dick's red face. Wally inhaled and sat back on Dick. Dick's face only got redder and Wally rolled his eyes and quickly got off of Dick and sat beside him. Dick sat up quickly and threw his arms around Wally's neck. After they hugged for a moment. Dick leaned against Wally's chest as he held him.

Dick then shuttered when he heard the security camera footage from the Bat cave. He heard the slap and memories of it came rushing back. He heard Roy shout and then Tim tried to calm him down. Dick shut his eyes tightly and buried his head in Wally's chest and Wally wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

"'s going to be alright Dickie!'' said Wally. Dick nodded his head and held more tightly on Wally.

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