Chapter 10-A direction for better or worst

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A/N: mentions of cutting.

He needed to cut.

Dick inhaled sharply, trying to calm down somewhat. He needed to show Roy and Wally that he was alright just so he could be alone for a little bit to cut, which he so badly wanted to do. He hated seeing tears and sadness on both of Roy's and Wally's faces, it pained him.

He was the one causing all of this pain. He was the one ruining everyone's lives. Dick bit his bottom lip as he thought about how everyone would be better off without him, but right now he just had to put up a front to them, to everyone that he was alright and then take his chance to act. Thoughts of cutting were so strong right now but he just had to wait to be able to get his hands on something sharp and to cut to help him escape it all.

Wally noticed that Dick had calmed down slightly after dealing with Bruce's surprised appearance at Roy's apartment and slowly reached out his hand to Dick. He was a little worried that Dick might flip out again but when Dick reached out Wally smiled. He pulled Dick up onto his feet, his legs were weak and he stumbled forward and Wally gripped tighter onto Dick and slowly lead him over towards the couch. Roy sighed and kept quite while he watched his two younger brothers and teammates.

Just then Roy's door bell rang and Roy turned around angrily ready to attack anyone who could pose a threat/harm to Dick. He yanked his door open wide and was met with Tim and Jason, Dick's big brothers. Roy narrowed his eyes and had half a mind not to let them in. But he realized that it wasn't their fault, it was Bruce's so he sighed and allowed them into his home.

"Dickie'' said Jason, causing Dick to raise his head off of Wally's shoulder. His blue eyes locked on his brothers eyes and tears began to well up in them. He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly shut.

He was feeling so overwhelmed with everything and just so badly wished that everything could go back to a time when everything was easier, before all of this began. 

Tim quickly rushed over and wrapped his arms tightly around Dick and lat Dick cry into his chest. Jason nodded his head to Wally and sat down next to Dick who then pulled away from Tim and brushed his tears away and tried his best to smile at him to show that he was alright but it was clear to everyone in the room that he was far from alright.

Jason reached out and pulled Dick into his chest and hugged him tightly as he began to shake and more tears fell from his blue, broken eyes.
"You don't have to be strong all the time Dickie bird, let us help you. Come home'' said Jason and a sob broke free from Dick's throat.

"We all miss you Dick. Alfred isn't the same without all of us, we are all worried. Please...please come home'' said Tim. 
Wally looked over at Roy and they both shared a concerned look. They knew that by Dick's brothers asking him to come home that Dick would do it just to make them happy even if it hurt him in the end. 

Dick sighed and pulled away from his brothers and glanced over at Wally, an apologetic look was written all along his face as he turned to look back at Jason and Tim.

"O-Okay'' whispered Dick making both his big brother's faces light up but having Wally's and Roy's darken with concern and fear. Jason stood up and held his hand out towards Dick who slowly took it. 
Wally could see fear lanced in all his movements.

The three Wayne boys moved slowly towards the door but before they could leave, Wally pulled Dick at super speed into his chest for a tight hug. Wally so badly didn't want to let go and Dick felt the same way but he had to go home for his brothers and for Alfred who mean so much to him.

Wally buried his face into Dick's black hair and closed his eyes tightly. 
"Call or text me if you need anything and I mean anything. No matter what time or for what know that I am here for you. I...I love you. Please be safe'' whispered Wally. Dick nodded his head but he knew that he couldn't do what Wally was asking him because he didn't want to be a bigger burden than he already was and Wally had kinda guessed this too but he just had to say it, he just had to let Dick know that he was here even if Dick wouldn't reach out, even if he needed to.

Dick pulled away from Wally with sadness held in his eyes. He sighed and slowly turned to face Roy and quickly threw his arms around him for a hug before he turned and left with Tim and Jason.

The door closed behind them and Wally shook his head and looked up at Roy.

"R-Roy...I got a bad feeling about this'' said Wally who brushed a fallen tear off his face. Roy nodded his head and laid his arm on Wally's shoulder.

"I do too, but we both knew he would have to go back sooner or later. We just gotta hope he will be okay'' said Roy.

"And if he's not?" questioned Wally and Roy sighed.

"Then...then we'll be here for him, like always'' said Roy and Wally nodded his head. The two red heads were so worried about their little birdy.

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