Chapter 12-Everything is a mess.

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A/N: Contains mentions of self harm, strong language, suicidal thoughts/actions.

-This chapter is for: Damians_Babybird , HaexxeityMerlinGrayson
and cookiethife because you guys are awesome!! I hope you enjoy it and please check out their works!-

Dick tossed and turned in his bed, his hands gripping tightly onto his bed sheets as his dreams turned into nightmares, but these nightmares held truth within them.

  "Are you freaking crazy?!?" yelled Bruce and Dick looked up at his father, his eyes then began to scan the room, he was in the Batcave again.
This was happening all over again.

He shook his head, he didn't think he could handle it again, handle seeing his father so hurt and disappointed in him, all he has ever wanted was to make his dad proud and to be loved but his dad hated him. He hated him so much because he was a failure as a son.

Bruce grabbed his shoulders tightly and shook him. Tears welling up in his eyes. His dad hated him, his brothers hated him. 
He looked up at his dad and could see the hate burning within his eyes. He knew that he wasn't needed or wanted here. His father had three other, great and amazing sons, why on earth would he need a screwed up one like himself.

" Your fired from being Robin!" yelled his dad and shoved him backwards onto the cave's floor. 

It was probably because he was worthless and useless. Batman clearly didn't need him, the team and the world didn't need another side kick to The Batman he already had 3 great ones.

"Dick are you trying to F*cking kill yourself?!!?" Bruce yelled and Dick's eyes widen, memories of that night came to mind and then he felt the slap upon his face. He reached up to touch his face where his father had slapped him. 
That slap broke something else inside of Dick and he wasn't sure if it was ever going to be repaired.

Bruce then grabbed his wrist and yanked his sleeves up, exposing his scars. 

"They are hideous just like yourself! You're worthless! A Mistake!! I wish you were never f*cking born, you piece of shit!!" yelled Bruce and then slapped Dick across the face. 

Dick's tears now flowed down his face. "Daddy?" cried Dick, his heart was aching terribly right now.

Just as Bruce was going in for another slap, Dick jumped up in bed quickly, his eyes wide open as a scream came out. He was panting as he tried to focus on the here and now but his memories and the dream where mixing so much together it was stressing the hell out of him. Dick quickly jumped out of bed and rushed out his bed room door and down the stairs, heading towards the Batcave where everything went wrong.

He stumbled as he raced downstairs, his mind totally not focus on what was going on around him, his mind was racing too much. He kept hearing the hurtful things his father said in his dream and he felt the slap upon his face, over and over again breaking his heart more and more. He entered the cave quickly and raced over towards one of the bat-a-ranges and held it within his hands.

What Dick didn't know was that his scream when he woke up from his nightmare, woke everyone else up as well and they were on their way down here to check up on him.

"Dick are you trying to F*cking kill yourself?!!?" his dad's voice yelled in his mind and Dick shook his head 'no'.

He wasn't trying to kill himself but maybe he should now, after all what purpose did he have? His life, him being here wasn't helping anyone, he was just in the way, taking up space. Dick glanced down at the weapon in his hands as him mind now began to scream at him to end it, that it would be better for him and everyone else if he was just gone.

Dick shut his eyes tightly shut and brought the bat-a-range to his throat. His hands where shaking wildly and his mind totally focus on the voice inside his head telling him to end it that he hadn't heard or notice his family members standing before him.

"Dickie-bird?" called out a voice and Dick scrunched up his nose and eyebrows as the voice penetrated his mind. Dick slowly opened up his eyes a bit and saw Jason slowly moving towards him.

"S-Stop!" yelled Dick and pressed the blade more so upon his throat. Jason held up his hands and quit moving, his and all the others eyes were focused on Dick right now.

"Hey Dickie, it's okay'' whispered Tim who took a step forward, now standing right beside Jason. Dick quickly shook his head 'no' as more tears rushed down his face.

"Richard...Dick,'' said Damian who walked forward and pasted both Jason and Tim. "You don't have to do this, just give me it'' said Damian who held his hand out for Dick to place the bat-a-range in. Dick looked down at Damian's hand then over at Jason and Tim's faces. 

He could see the fear and concern shinning through their eyes which only made him feel much more worst and guilty.

"I-I'm...I'm sorry!" cried Dick as he lowered the blade slightly away from his throat, "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm...I-I'm...I-I..." cried Dick as each brother took a small step forward, each ready to jump in and tackle Dick to the ground if he made a move towards his throat.

"That's enough'' said a deep voice and Dick's eyes widen as he saw his father coming down the stairs and closer towards him.

"We got this father!" yelled Damian as he witnessed his little brother's shoulder tense up. 

"Son, you need to stop this right now and drop the blade. Let's talk about this, okay?'' said Bruce who slowly moved forward. Concern was held within his eyes but Dick could not see it, his mind clouded with too many thoughts and emotions to make out that look clearly.

Dick's whole body was shaking now and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly, seeing the pain in his dad's eyes, hearing the hurt within his voice and then feeling the anger and disappointment through the slap.

Dick took a step backwards and Tim noticed this right away. "Huh...guys'' said Tim and reached over to Jason and pulled on his arm. 

'I'm sorry Timmy...I can't' mouthed Dick as he brought the weapon back up against his throat.

"NOO!" yelled Tim as he leapt forward towards his baby brother.

Dick could hear Tim's screams and a group of gasps all around him as darkness quickly flooded over him completely.

--Sorry not sorry about the cliff hanger there. I will try to update this and my other books some more later on. I do apologize for my lack of updates, I had some family matters and then I went through a period of my depression which wasn't good, but I am doing better now and my creative vibe and spirit seems to be back so YAY!!!
Anyways I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a vote on here and a comment. I love reading my readers comments on my stories! Thank y'all so much!!  

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