Chapter 2-Hiding

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A/N: Mentions of Self harm! The people who are on the YJ team right now are only: Aqualad (B02), Superboy(B04), Kid Flash(B03), Artemis(B07), Miss Martain(B05), Red Arrow(B06), Robin(B01) and Zatanna(B08). So Damian's, Tim's and Jason's designation will come after Zatanna's: Nightwing(B09), Red Robin (B10), and Red Wing (B11).

The Zeta tubes lit up signalling to everyone who was currently in the mountain that someone was coming. Wally who was in the kitchen shot up from the fridge where his head had been buried inside for about seven minutes. He waited, hoping it was his best friend coming, because he was so bored and needed someone, for Kaldur and Superboy were nice but they were older and sorta boring too. Wally was vibrating, as he listened.

-Recognized. Robin. B01.

It took no time before Robin was knocked to the ground. He should have been used to it by now but he never seemed to be. Wally was amazing, and Dick really needed that amazing-ness right now. 

Dick looked up at the ginger and smiled.

"Man Rob! I've missed you!!! It is sooooo Boring here!!" Wally yelled as he pushed himself off of the little bird. Robin sat his hands beside himself and gently pushed himself up and tried his best to hide the sharp pain that flowed through his wrists. He winced and Wally noticed it right away. He tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did-Did I hurt you cause I didn't mean to Rob, I swear. I'm-'' said Wally quickly but Dick cut him off.

"You didn't hurt me Wally, I'm fine. Just an injury from Patrol last night, no biggie." Dick said sending Wally a smile and walking over towards the living room area, where the rest of the team sat. Wally could see that Robin's hand was red and looked to be bruising but he didn't want to push Dick for questions. So, Wally quickly followed and pulled out some videos games. 

He and Dick played for hours, they had no missions today so it was a free day which they all liked. Eventually, one by one everyone slowly left the mountain, leaving Dick all alone. M'gann, and Conner were here because they lived here with Zatanna but she was spending the night over at Artemis, and both M'gann and Conner went to their rooms, thinking Robin was going to leave too. But he didn't, he really didn't want to go home. So he curled up on the couch in the dark and closed his eyes. Tears silently rolled down from under his mask as he cried himself to sleep.


Finally Bruce and the boys came home from patrol and were super tired, but they all still needed to talk about what their next steps where in helping Dick out. They were all so worried about him, thinking about different ways to deal with this. Voices were risen and eventually they all went their separate ways. Tim knew he needed to go to Dick, to be at his side like he was for him. Tim looked over at Damian, he was hiding his emotions pretty well but Tim could see how truly worried he was about their little brother. Jason was upset and mad. All of this was so much like when they had found out, he wasn't in the room when they did, so now Tim must have known what it was like for Dick. He and Dick were in the same shoes. Bruce pulled his cowl back on and jumped into the batmobile and drove out of the cave fast. Tim then slowly walked back over towards Damian as Jason rushed out of the cave and upstairs towards the manor. Tim slowly placed his hand on Damian's shoulder. They shared a look and both understood each other. Tim slipped his mask back on his face and walked slowly towards the zeta tubes, his hands now shaking. Damian noticed how nervous Tim was, how high his anxiety was at the moment and pulled him around to face him.

"It's okay Tim, you don't have to come along with me if you wish not too'' said Damian, now as Nightwing. Tim pushed away from his big brother, wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head. He was still breathing heavily right now, but he needed to set his feelings aside, he had to be there for Dick. His baby brother needed him right now. Tim, now Red Robin looked up at Nightwing. Nightwing smiled and walked into the zeta tube heading towards Mount Justice. Tim paused for a moment, exhaling before he made himself step through following his big brother.

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