Chapter 5-Facing the family.

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A/N: Just a warning, Bruce will not be excepting about this and will cause more harm than good. Strong language will be within this chapter.
Also, mentions of self harm, Depression, panic attacks, and suicidal thoughts/actions. 
Tiny bits of Birdflash

Barry, Wally and Dick went to the closest zeta tubes and beamed to the Batcave. Once they stepped through Dick felt like he couldn't breathe. He knew that night when he showed up at Wally's that Barry had called Bruce to tell him that Dick was safe and asleep. Bruce, to Dick's surprise let him stay. 

Dick slowly looked at all the faces within in the cave. They were the faces that he has seen everyday, faces he loved and right now... they were the faces he feared, feared so much.

His hands were shaking so badly. The cave felt tiny and like there was no oxygen within it. He then felt a warm hand slid into his numb hand. He looked down real quick and saw that it was Wally's hand within his. His breathing took a hick and he couldn't handle it, not one bit. His chest was rising and falling so quickly right now, his eyes were wide. He was so full of fear. He then turned back to face his family. He could see them talking but he couldn't hear any of what they said. Without even knowing, he pulled his hand out of Wally's grip and backed up, pressing his back against the cave's wall.

He looked over and saw Wally moving forward, saying something to him, probably his name but he couldn't hear it, he couldn't focus on any of it.

His legs fell from under him and he landed on the ground. His whole body was tingling, his hands were twisted and he couldn't move his fingers, making him panic even more. He could not breathe at all and darkness was nipping at the edge of his vision. 

Just as Wally grew closer towards him he saw Tim step forward, his hand on Wally's shoulder. Wally looked over at him and then nodded his head. Dick slowly brought his knees to his chest. He held his eyes tightly closed and tears fell from his eyes.
Dick then felt hands on him and he looked up and saw his big brother, Tim before him. Tim had a concern look on his face. More tears ran down Dick's face.

"I-I....I c-can't!" Dick tried his best to speak, "C-can't....breathe, T-timmy!" Dick was freaking out even more now. Tim nodded his head and his grip on Dick's shoulders tighten. "I can't! T-this...I can't do it! I-I....Timmy!'' Dick cried out and was pulled into Tim's chest. As soon as he was pressed against Tim's chest he moved his arms and gripped tightly onto Tim's shirt, bunching it up in his hands as he continued to shake and cry.

"It's okay Dick! You're okay, just breathe. Can you do that? Breathe Dickie, breathe! Feel m-my chest....going up and down, copy it. You're alright, I got you. I'm here...I'm here now. I'm so sorry!'' said Tim as Dick tried to focus his breathing, he was beginning to breathe better but the fear within his chest was still so powerful. He now felt terrible for making Tim feel bad, everything was such a mess.


20 minutes later.

Dick's panic attack finally sub-sided and Bruce asked for both Barry and Wally to leave, making Dick start to breathe once more unevenly. Wally tried his best to argue but Barry talked him down and lead him towards the zeta tubes. Just before Wally went through he sped over towards Dick and hugged him quickly, planting a tiny kiss on his check and whispered into his ear.
"Call me the second you get the chance. I will be here...I promise you. I love you.'' whispered Wally. He then left unhappily with his uncle. Dick watched as they left and felt alone but then he looked up at Tim and laid his head back on his chest.

"Dick'' said a strong voice behind him, Dick knew who voice that belong too. Dick inhaled sharply, he had to get this over with or it would never be over with. He pulled away from Tim, who shot him a look asking him if he was okay. Dick nodded his head and Tim helped him up onto his feet.

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