Chapter 4- A piece of happiness.

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A/N: Warning! Contains moments about Depression, eating disorders,self harm and suicidal thoughts/actions.

Central City.
Allen-West household.
4:15 A.M.

Dick was twisting and turning within his sleep. Wally who was laying next to him began to wake up from all the moving.
"No...please" whispered Dick.

Wally squinted his eyes open and turned his head to face Dick. Dick was curled up on his side, his face crunched up and he was shaking a bit. Wally exhaled and rolled over to face him. He reached his hand out and touched Dick's shoulder. 
As soon as his hand touch Dick's shoulder Dick screamed at the tops of his lungs. Wally sat up real quick and turned Dick over to lay on his back. Dick was screaming and throwing his arms around and kicking. 

Just then Wally's bedroom door was throw open and Barry was standing there, Iris behind him tying her robe around herself. The hall light shined into Wally's dark room and the could all see Dick in a panic. Wally grabbed ahold of both of his shoulders and shook him, attempting to wake him up from his nightmare.

"Dick. Dickie! It's okay, wake up'' said Wally. Barry then flipped the light on in Wally's room and walked closer towards the boys. Barry looked over at Wally then back down at Dick. He gave Wally a sad smile the called out to Dick, except it wasn't his name but his superhero identity.

"Robin!'' yelled Barry and Dick's blue eyes flew wide open. He quickly sat up, almost hitting his head against Barry's head. He looked around the room quickly then his eyes landed on Wally. Dick brought his hands up to his face and hid. Wally nodded to Barry who turned with Iris in tow. Wally looked over at his best friend.

"Dick?" Wally questioned and without saying anything Dick quickly turned around and barried his head within Wally's chest. Dick moved too quickly for him to react. He eventually wrapped his arms around Dick and rocked him back and force in the bed, trying his best to calm him down. 
Over and over again Dick kept mumbling, 'I'm sorry' and Wally shushed him and told him it was alright. Wally shook his head and laid his head upon Dick's head and held him close.

After Dick managed to calm down, Wally laid him down along with himself. Wally leaned against his arm that was propped up by his elbow and looked down at Dick, who looked up at him. Wally could see the fear and worry written all over Dick's face and Dick, looking up at Wally could see sadness and also kindness and a sorta understanding. Dick smiled up at Wally.

"I know you've been through a lot, and I totally get that you don't want to talk about it right now 'cause it's too overwhelming for ya, but I-I want you to know that...I'm here for you. Always. No matter what. Your my best friend and I would do anything to keep you safe. Your....I-I..."said Wally but couldn't seem to spit out the last part. 
Dick who agreed to everything Wally said and he would do the exact same thing for him too. Wally was a ray of sunshine in his dark and stormy world. He cared a lot about Wally and possibly way more than he should for a best friend. Dick looked up at Wally in confusement.

"W-wally...I l-love you! Your the best thing in my life, and...mmfgn" Dick said but was silenced by a pair of lips pressing down upon his. His whole body tensed up, and Wally feared he made a huge mistake. But, Dick relaxed and tentatively kissing him back.

As much as Wally and Dick were enjoying this they pulled apart. Wally looked deep into Dick's blue eyes. He sighed and moved back and sat up in his bed. Dick quickly thought that Wally regretted it, and didn't like him anymore as tears fill in him eyes. He quickly got out of bed and stood up but before he could get any farther away from Wally, he quickly reached out with his super speed and grabbed ahold of Dick's thin wrist. 

"Dick,'' Wally said then he paused collecting all of his thoughts, making sure he didn't say one word wrong in fear off setting Dick off. He knew how vulnerable Dick was at the moment, he has been in this situation before. "It's...I pulled away because I don't want to rush things or...Dick. Dick please look at me.'' said Wally and Dick slowly turned to face Wally. 

"I'm sorry Wally'' Dick said and looked down. Wally shook his head and stepped forward and cupped Dick's face, lifting it up so Dick was looking at him.

"You have nothing to apologize for, okay?'' Said Wally, "Dick, you're hurting right now, and I-I can't be the thing that you focus on, or distract yourself with. You have to face this right now, head on before....before its too late, I would know.'' 

Dick nodded his head, he understood. Wally didn't want him to race into whatever this was before getting some kind of help and being better. Tim got help and has been doing so well lately, but Dick feared his issues, his secrets were just too much and his family, the team...everyone would hate him. He wanted to stop feeling like this, but he had no idea how. He felt so hollow inside and just now being here with Wally he felt a ting of real happiness that he hasn't truly felt in such a long time.

Wally then let go of Dick and pulled up his sleeves, showing Dick his scars. He had many small ones that were horizontal but the ones that stood out were the long, pink ones that ran vertical on both wrist.

"I-I became so lost within myself, within m-my pain and all the darkness....that I was done. I felt so alone and...I j-just couldn't do it anymore Dick! So, I set out and tried to end it, my life. I'm so lucky that Barry came by that night, to check up on me after I sent a text. He saved me. I was alone, and please...Please don't think that you did anything wrong or didn't notice how bad I was off, this...this was before I met you. Before I got my powers.'' said Wally.

"Walls..." said Dick and reached out and grabbed his hand that was shaking. They both had tears in their eyes.

"My uncle Barry saved me, but it wasn't until I met you that I felt like I had a purpose...that I mattered, that I had someone who cared...really cared about me. Yeah Barry and aunt Iris did and do but they weren't always there for me and that's partly my fault cause I didn't bother them. I didn't want to disappoint them or scare them. best friend, helped me so much. On late nights after seeing my dad or a nightmare about him...hitting m-me, you were there no questions asked. Dick, I want you to know, I fully understand what you are feeling, what this feels like, to want to want to escape...from it all. But listen, I'm Not leaving you! I'm here, okay? I'm here.'' said Wally and quickly pulled Dick into his chest as Dick began to cry. Wally held tightly onto him and began to cry again. 

"Shhh Dickie, it's okay. And the next steps are going to be crazy but it will be okay, I promise.'' Wally whispered because he knew that Dick was so scared to facing his family and he knew Dick might slip and it could all be awful but he was determined to be by his side for he wished back then Dick was there for him when he went through the roughest patches.

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