Two women stood side by side in the small office, watching as a small meeting took place. One was taller and boasted red hair and bright green eyes, the other with darker hair and eyes that almost no one got to see. The darker haired woman had her hair tied back into a braid, the redhead with her hair pulled up into twin pigtails. The redhead seemed bored at the meeting, but the darker haired woman was listening intently, remembering every single word that was spoken. She wouldn't forget. Later, she'd be able to reiterate exactly what had been said. The darker haired woman jumped slightly when a fist was slammed on the table, and the redhead rolled her eyes, but found the darker haired woman's reaction amusing. The darker haired woman looked at the redhead, asking what she had been wanting to know the entire time.
"They're talking about me, aren't they?"
"Of course they are," the redhead answered, the smile evident in her voice.
"But why, do ye think?"
"Why wouldn't they? You're the mysterious Isabel Ashe! Who isn't talking about you?" the redhead questioned, and the darker haired woman, Isabel, shrugged.
"Yeah. But what do ye think they're talking about?" Isabel asked.
"Well, listen in, and you'd... Ooh, lookie down there! Now that's a man I'd like to be on the arm of," the redhead noticed, looking out the window of the office. Isabel turned and strode to be beside the redhead, noticing a group in another room. She looked at the clock. It was 10 A.M.
"Which one?" Isabel asked, seeing several men in the room, but she immediately narrowed it down to two.
"You know which one I'm talking about. The one that you wouldn't like."
"Who says I wouldn't like him?"
"Oh, come on, Isabel, we both know you'd like the nerdy one. Not the black one. You know that as well as I do," the redhead reasoned, and Isabel shrugged.
"Ye know, the politically correct term is-"
"Isabel, you know I don't care what the politically correct term is." Despite everything, she was right. Isabel was interested in the other one. She wouldn't call him nerdy, but the way he moved suggested that he was a little awkward. Or maybe a lot awkward. Just like her. There were two other men in the room, one looking a decent amount older than the first two and the other somewhere in the middle. There was a woman who had nearly the same color of hair as Isabel, but a little darker. Then there was a blonde girl, who was talking to the others in the room. "Hey, Isabel, you haven't been listening to the conversation in here. How are you gonna remember it when you wake?" At the redhead's words, Isabel turned and paid attention to the meeting again, not even trying to remember, but knowing she would.
"Have you found anything? Has there been any success in finding her?"
"No, sir." So they were talking about her. They wanted to find her. But who didn't? Everyone wanted to know who the mysterious Isabel Ashe really was. Everyone wanted to know something, anything about the bestselling author. But nobody knew anything, because no one knew who Isabel Ashe really was.
"How are we gonna find this girl?"
"Wait... I have an idea. We want her to be part of the BAU, right?" Everyone nodded, and the man who asked crossed the room to look where the two women were just earlier. "Then why don't we send the BAU after her?"
"Yo, JJ, I thought Reid was the one who was always reading."

Fanfiction(A Criminal Minds Fanfic {Dr. Spencer Reid}) Isabel Ashe: writer, supposed prodigy, all-around mystery. No one knows anything about Isabel, but that's because she wants to keep it that way. The FBI, however, doesn't want to keep it that way. Through...