Isabel sat near the medics, not looking any of them in the eye. She had gotten into a fight, and she had to get checked out before she would be allowed to do anything else. She just hoped they didn't try to roll up her sleeves. If they did, she might just leave, but she knew that if she left, she would have to go back to Circia, and she didn't want to do that. But if she did have to go back, she would go back without her friend. She would do that by leaving without telling her and leave it up to everyone else to make sure that she never found out. She would not bring her friend back to Circia. She was looking down, and the moment she looked slightly up, she noticed that someone was coming towards her. He sat down next to her and asked the question she had been dreading the entire time.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I was scared to."
Reid watched as Ciara left the group, sneaking away from Morgan, who was supposed to make sure she didn't do just that. He wasn't sure whether to try and follow her or see if she could handle it on her own. By the time he finally made a decision, he had completely lost track of where she was. He reversed his decision and hoped that she knew what she was doing. He went with the rest of the group to find Kelan Foley. It wasn't long before they got to the classroom where he was supposed to be. Gideon and Hotch went into the classroom to get Kelan, while the rest waited outside.
"You know, for some reason, Ciara thinks he's not going to be here," Morgan mentioned to Reid.
"Well, too bad she's not here to see if she's right," he responded, and it was then that everyone else noticed that she was gone.
"Morgan, you were supposed to watch her and make sure she didn't leave," Elle said, and it was at that moment that Hotch and Gideon came back.
"He isn't there. Professor said he never showed up at class today," Gideon informed them.
"Gideon, Hotch, Ciara's gone. We don't know where she is. Morgan, did she say anything before she snuck off?"
"Morgan, you said you would stay with her!"
"I know! I made a mistake, okay? All she said was that she had a feeling that he wasn't there. Then she must have left to go find him herself," Morgan told them, and Reid knew that was a mistake right off the bat. She wasn't prepared for meeting an Unsub. She didn't even have a gun. They all split up, and he took towards the auditorium. That was the last place that Morgan knew for sure that Ciara had been with them. He entered from the first door he saw, and finally, he made his way to the balcony. The first thing he saw was Ciara laying on the stage. The next thing he saw was Kelan Foley standing over her, a knife in his hand. Panic began to flood his system, as Ciara was an Irish girl. What if he had killed her? But then she looked towards the balcony, towards him, and she seemed to be alright. Except that she was with an Unsub who had a hatred of Irish girls and a knife.
He couldn't hear what she was saying to Kelan, but whatever it was, it was working him up. He suddenly lunged at her, and Reid called her name, wanting to warn her, but she knew what was coming. She got herself out of the way, and by the time he got his phone to call the others and get them here, the fight had started. As he told Hotch where they were, he wondered where Ciara had learned to fight like she had. She wasn't a bad fighter. She could hold her own for just a little bit. He left the balcony and looked for a different door that would hopefully go to the stage. He met up with the rest of the team, and they split up. Elle, Morgan, and Reid went to one side, with the other three going to the other side. Kelan would be surrounded. When they got to the stage, Reid saw what he was hoping he wouldn't see. Ciara had her eyes closed, and Kelan had a knife to her neck. He stood behind her, knowing that if they shot, he'd slice her neck on the way down. This was exactly the kind of situation they were trying to avoid.

Fanfiction(A Criminal Minds Fanfic {Dr. Spencer Reid}) Isabel Ashe: writer, supposed prodigy, all-around mystery. No one knows anything about Isabel, but that's because she wants to keep it that way. The FBI, however, doesn't want to keep it that way. Through...