Chapter 11- New Transfers?

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Isabel stayed in the shadows, keeping her heart rate low, her breathing soft and steady. Her muscles stiffened, not making even the barest of noises. She was completely silent, completely focused. Through her trained eyes, she saw nearly everything in the darkness, and she definitely saw her subject. He was moving nearly as silently as her, but not quite enough. She knew where he was, and he couldn't hide forever. They were simply in a game of hide-and-seek, but little did he know, Isabel was the queen of hide-and-seek. She was the hunter, him the prey, and he'd better hope to God that he found her before she found him, or it was all over. They were in a crowded office storage room, and it was only a matter of time before they met. Isabel's partner was outside bringing reinforcements, probably cursing Isabel's stubbornness and need to chase the subject here. Then she heard it- a paper falling to the floor. She thought in her mind and sent the creature to where her subject was. She heard his gasp, and she knew she had him.

The school hadn't kicked her out for fighting like she thought they would. Instead, they thought that her fiery temper could be used for good. They switched her training program and began to train her to apprehend criminals normal law enforcement couldn't. Those she worked with had no clue she was actually Circian, they just knew she was good at her job. The only one that knew was her partner, and she had sworn to keep it a secret. As of now, she had been hardened into a criminal-catching machine, as she had found out that getting into monsters' minds included human monsters. Included the people she was catching. She had also learned how to create monsters without a pen or paper, and now she used them in situations like this. She had learned how to make them disappear, so they came in handy. That, and she had seen horrors that had desensitized her so that she was always able to keep a clear mind. Whether that was good or bad, she didn't know.

Silently, she made her way to where she knew her subject was. He was wanted for brutally murdering over ten children. Isabel had been the only one who could actually look at them, that's how bad the children were mutilated. She saw him before he ever had a chance to spot her or hear her. The little monster she had created was swarming him, leaving any chance for him to get away impossible. If he even tried, the thing would just trip him up. He was all hers for the taking. She made the creature disappear, before pushing her subject to the ground, quickly grabbing the gun he had and throwing it across the room. She grabbed the handcuffs she had in her belt, placing her knees on his back to keep him down. She worked his arms around and placed his wrists in the cuffs, securing them. He tried to throw her off of him, but she kneed his back, nonverbally telling him that he'd better watch it.

"OW! I'll call police brutality! Just you watch!" he shouted, and she snorted, before grabbing his shirt and hauling him to his feet.

"Ye haven't seen anything yet. I'll show ye police brutality if ye don't quit yer yapping," Isabel warned, and her subject gulped, knowing she was serious by the edge in her voice. Holding tightly to his shirt, she led him out of the building and into the sunlight, where her reinforcements were waiting, ready to help if needed. It wasn't needed. It must have been an odd (possibly funny) sight: all five feet and one inch of her easily holding and controlling all six feet and four inches of him. But that's not what she saw when she looked in his face. When she looked at him, all she could see was the terrified faces of the children he had killed, and she understood why she was able to get into his mind. She handed him over to those that would deal with him. She was only to capture, and in severe cases, interrogate. Isabel's partner nodded at her, and Isabel knew that meant that while she didn't like how she did it, she was glad she had done it. Her friend appeared by her side, placing her arm on Isabel's shoulder.

"You did good, Isabel. He deserves to rot. But I can't help but wonder. Is there something better out there for us?"


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