Chapter 53- The Fountain, Part One

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Isabel looked at herself in the mirror, wondering if this was really such a good idea. She had wondered that maybe if she wore a convincing enough mask to hide her pain, she could pretend that it no longer existed. Maybe then her team would take her back. Thankfully, her city was huge, so she was able to find a Circian witch that Isabel had paid to make her a mask that would convince anyone. At least, that was what the witch had said. Circian witches were known to be deceitful, but really, what choice did Isabel have?

She lifted the mask, feeling the smooth surface. It looked just like her face, with two eye holes and a couple holes for her nostrils. Her mouth, on the other hand, was completely covered with a smile that looked sickeningly sweet, but as long as it was able to convince the outside world, she didn't really care. She took a deep breath and placed the mask against her skin.

At first, nothing happened. The witch had said that the mask wouldn't need a strap to hold it up, and she was right. At first, the mask looked unnatural, but then it started to soften, looking more like real skin. She reached up to feel it, but that was when she felt the first sharp pain on her face. It felt like a sharp needle was poking her skin, and before she could react, she felt another one. She reached to pull the mask off, assuming that it was the mask that was causing the pain, but that was when she discovered the horrible truth.

The mask wouldn't come off.

No matter how hard she pulled, the mask remained on her face, and the sharp sticks continued to torment her. She closed her eyes and tried to pull harder, but that was when she felt something wet between the mask and her face. She took her hands off of the mask and ran her finger under the edge of it. She finally opened her eyes and looked down at her hands, only to see her finger covered with a red substance that she knew was blood.

Finally, she looked up and met her eyes in the mirror, sucking in a breath when she did so. There was blood leaking out from the eye and nose holes in the mask, as well as from the bottom of the mask, the blood running down her neck. And that was when she realized. The mask was attaching itself to her face. That was the witch's deception, and it had completely fooled her.

Through the blood dripping down the mask, she could still see that sickeningly sweet smile. But that wasn't what bothered her. She had paid for a mask that would convince anyone that she was happy. But, if someone looked close enough behind the mask, they'd still be able to see the pain and fear in her eyes.


Ciara looked down at her arms, her eyes widening when she realized the severity of what she had done. She had been clean of that specific vice for nearly six months- the last time she fallen to it was back when Reid had ignored her for those few weeks. But tonight the clock would reset, and she'd have to work to stay clean of it all over again. She closed her eyes, fighting back the tears as the shame of her actions burned below her skin, mixing with the throbbing pain that was overtaking her arms.

Ah, but don't you feel so much better?

"No, I don't."

Well, then that means you haven't done it enough yet! Why don't you just pick up the mirror shard and...?

"No!" Ciara shouted, and she felt Marina's grip tighten on her shoulder. She wasn't happy, but Ciara wasn't going to continue. She'd already allowed herself to be weak once that night. It was time for her to be strong. "No. I won't do this anymore. I shouldn't have done it to begin with. Why... why'd ye make me do this?"

I was trying to help you!

"How can this possibly help me? This is so bad... and if the team finds out... it'll be even worse."

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