Chapter 6- Meeting The Team

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Isabel was as high up as she could be- she was flying. Well, sort of. The redhead was right beside her, both of them enjoying the sun as they flew. They were tucked away in the feathers of the giant bird, and occasionally Isabel would stand and pretend she had wings of her own. Isabel hadn't known what it was like to fly, and she dreaded having to come down. But she knew that she had to. She had to meet the team of people that wanted to help her and her friend. They understood what they were like. They weren't in Circia anymore, but this group of people understood what it was like to be from Circia.

They understood that each Circian had a power (or more, depending), and they were going to help the two girls use their powers for good. Not like Isabel's powers could ever be used for good. Only one of them could ever be used for good. The other could only be used for bad. As the giant bird finally landed, she thought about her powers. One of them was the ability to get inside the head of monsters. That was the one that could be used for good. The other one... as she walked to where the two girls would meet the team, the other one dominated her mind. Isabel didn't only have the power to get inside the heads of monsters. Isabel had the power to create monsters.


Ciara turned the giant feather in her hands and kept her eyes firmly glued to the floor as Gideon, Hotchner, and Reid led her to what they called the "round table room". Gideon explained that every day at 10 o'clock the BAU was briefed on the next case or whatever else they needed to know. Ciara didn't believe they had a case every single day. Then again, maybe they did. There were that many monsters in the world, surely. As they stepped closer, she saw the many people in the room, and her palms started to sweat, and her chest contracted. No, no, no, not now! Ciara hadn't had an anxiety attack in so long, she figured she wasn't ever going to have one again. But maybe the fact that meeting those who may have her entire future in their hands did something to her. Reid was the only one who noticed that she stopped, and told the other two to go ahead and explain to the rest of the team what they would about Ciara. He'd stay back and calm her down.

"Hey, they're actually not that bad. I'm sure you'll like them all," Reid assured, but Ciara's anxiety was starting to get to her. Her friend stood behind her, keeping her hands on Ciara's shoulder, assuring her that everything was going to be okay. It was times like these that Ciara was glad she had her friend because if she didn't, she wouldn't be anywhere. She'd never have been able to get to Quantico without her.

"I've seen them all. I haven't met them, but I've seen them all in my dreams. Isn't it weird? Some of the most important events in my life I've seen beforehand. Whether it was a dream... or a delusion," Ciara rambled, and Reid stood there, listening, looking as if he understood.

"But you haven't actually met them. That's better than seeing them. They each have something amazing about them. I really think you should meet them. I'll walk in with you if you'd like. That way you won't have to walk in alone," Reid offered.

"I'm not alone. I have my friend right behind me. She's been here almost the entire time, ye know. Actually, none of ye have ever really talked to her this entire time. Kind of rude, if ye ask me," Ciara responded, and for a moment, Reid looked utterly confused, before he understood what was going on. What was there to understand? Her friend had followed her there. Was that a bad thing? Would she have to go home? Then again...she didn't have a home. Ciara and her friend had the same home, and right now, neither of them had one.

"Right. Well, I'll still walk in with you... two. Okay, what's her name? I can't really talk to her if I don't know her name," Reid reasoned, and Ciara could see how that would be confusing.

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