Isabel didn't know what would happen after her plan worked. Well, she kind of knew. They would go back to Quantico, get a new case, and life would go on. Her acts today would be forgotten. If they were done by someone else, they might be remembered. But even rememberable acts could be forgotten if done by a forgettable person. She sighed, collected her stuff from the station, and got back onto the jet with the rest of her team. Several of them did come up and congratulate her on coming up with a plan that went off without a hitch, except for the one that she really wanted to hear. As soon as the jet took off, she felt something cool on her forehead, and noticed that her redheaded friend was crouched on the table, perched almost like a bird, painting something on her forehead.
"What are ye doing?"
"You know they're talking about you right at this moment, right? They're trying to figure you out. But it's okay. I'll just help them out a little bit," the redhead clarified, and Isabel's eyes widened. What was she putting on her forehead? What if it was something she didn't want them to know? Oh, God... what if she had written "Circian" on her forehead? As soon as her friend got off of the table and into the seat next to her, she pulled a little compact mirror out of her friend's pocket, and looked at what was painted on her forehead. She sighed in relief when she saw what was there.
Wait a second... they didn't know that?
Reid watched as Ciara stood in the station, looking around the room that had been their base. Everyone else was already out, waiting for them. Ciara had wanted to say goodbye, hopefully for the last time in a long time, or something like that. Reid had offered to stay with her, just so she wasn't alone. He looked at his watch at the same time Ciara finally grabbed her bag and said she was ready to go. Reid nodded, grabbed his bag as well, and they both walked out of the station together. He noticed she was still looking down, but she was standing so much taller now. Before, she stood as if she was afraid of anyone and everything and the simplest phrase would completely crash her world. Now, she stood as if she knew and was confident in what she was doing, standing with a sense of pride.
"You did really good today, you know that, right?" he asked, and she nodded.
"Yeah. I mean, it's not something that will be remembered, but..."
"Why do you think it won't be remembered? Figuring out the connection, coming up with a plan, executing said plan yourself, getting five women out of captivity safely, and getting yourself and an Unsub out safely, all in about an hour, is a pretty rememberable thing if you ask me. Especially considering it was your first official BAU case," Reid told her, and instantly regretted it. Her shoulders drooped a little bit, whatever pride she had slowly dissipated. No, no, he didn't want her to do that! He was trying to giver her confidence, not take it away!
"But even the most rememberable acts can be forgotten if they are done by a forgettable person," she said, and Reid mentally sighed, knowing that someday, somehow, he was gonna get to the bottom of why she thought the way she did about herself, and whoever he found at the bottom was probably gonna have hell to pay.
"You aren't a forgettable person. I mean, you know the nearly three years you weren't with us?" he asked, and she nodded. "Not one of us forgot about you. Every now and again, your name would be thrown out there, and we would all wonder how you were doing, where you were, if you were okay. We all thought about you. And when you came back into our lives, we all were extremely happy, and Prentiss and Rossi, who hadn't even met you, were excited to meet you because of how we described you. You mean something to every single one of us, understand?"

Fanfiction(A Criminal Minds Fanfic {Dr. Spencer Reid}) Isabel Ashe: writer, supposed prodigy, all-around mystery. No one knows anything about Isabel, but that's because she wants to keep it that way. The FBI, however, doesn't want to keep it that way. Through...