Isabel looked around the jet, expecting no one to be on it since she was the first of her team to get on. However, as soon as she got on, she saw a certain red-headed friend of hers, one she hadn't seen in a while. What was she doing here? Now, Isabel was happy to see her, she just didn't understand why she was there. She traveled to where her friend sat, and expected her to say something, but she didn't. She sat next to Isabel, silently, occasionally reaching over to either tap her on the shoulder or grab her knee, whatever suited her at the moment. Isabel wasn't entirely comfortable with it, but she also knew that she wasn't getting her to go away. Her friend came and went as she pleased, not as Isabel requested.
The jet ride was extremely uneventful, compared to the one two weeks ago. Ciara spent most of the time on her MP3, listening to either Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy. She couldn't get "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and "Sugar We're Going Down" out of her head, so she decided to listen to them as much as possible was about the best she was going to do to get them out. She occasionally let a little Nickelback pop in here and there, but she really tried not to. She knew she needed to get more music, but as of right now, none of her bands had released new music, not since Pretty. Odd. and Folie à Deux in 2008.
Dammit, I did it again, Ciara thought to herself as thinking about the two previously released albums got another Fall Out Boy song stuck in her head. "I Don't Care". She sighed, knowing she really needed some new music, but she was sure that there wasn't going to be any anytime soon. To be honest, she missed My Chemical Romance, who had been pretty much silent since 2007. She sighed, and put her MP3 away, knowing she was getting nowhere. Maybe she should try writing something. The next checkpoint for her new book was due in less than a month, and she wasn't anywhere near getting there. She didn't want to ask the publisher for another extension. However, the move and everything after had been hard on Ciara, and she didn't have as much inspiration as she hoped to.
Reid sat across from her again, not listening to anything or reading anything. He just sat and thought, occasionally looking out of the window or glancing at the case file. How could he do it? How did he just sit and think? If Ciara was to do that... she didn't want to think of what she might come up with. How much her demons would overtake her. No, it was better for her to constantly be doing something to keep them at bay. Closer to the end of the plane ride, he finally pulled out a book, and she almost laughed when she saw what book it was. Never Yours. Had he not read it yet? Or was he just rereading it? Either way, it did give her a slight sense of pride to see people reading and, according to the look on Reid's face, enjoying her works. They finally touched down in Bloomington, Illinois, where they would be centered for the case. Towanda didn't have a police station, which made sense due to its small size. Once there, the team was met by the detective who had called for them, Detective Burns.
"I thank you all for coming. I wasn't going to call you in, but after the third girl, Imogen Barlow, went missing, I knew it was time. Come on, I'll show you where you'll be setting up," Burns told them after JJ had made introductions, in which Ciara had kindly refused to shake his hand. No contact. Their area wasn't very big, but it wasn't too small, either. Ciara kind of liked it. After getting the layout, Hotch started giving out instructions.
"Reid, start on victimology and get whatever kind of geographical profile you can. Prentiss and JJ talk to the family of Imogen Barlow. Rossi and Ciara, go to the dump site, and Morgan and I will interview the other two families. We have to figure out what kind of connection there may be between these victims, and why they were taken," Hotch instructed, and Ciara felt her stomach flip when she heard she was going to the dump site with Rossi. Not because of actually going to the site. That didn't bother her. What bothered her was that she was going somewhere without someone she trusted. Sure, she trusted Rossi a tiny bit, but not completely. It took a lot for her to trust completely. In all of her life, only two people had earned that trust. Akilah was one, but she was back in Quantico with a concussion.

Fanfiction(A Criminal Minds Fanfic {Dr. Spencer Reid}) Isabel Ashe: writer, supposed prodigy, all-around mystery. No one knows anything about Isabel, but that's because she wants to keep it that way. The FBI, however, doesn't want to keep it that way. Through...