Chapter 56- Heart To Heart

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Warning: This chapter is basically two-in-one, so it's long AF. Sorry about it.

"It's been a long time, Isabel," the demon said, speaking in a low growl. Isabel stayed silent, looking at the carpet. There was a small dust spot she hadn't noticed earlier. She would vacuum that up later. The demon reached out and put a hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. He flashed her a grin, his sharp teeth still somehow glinting in the dim room. They looked at each other for a few seconds, before he reached up the other hand, both of them gripping onto her mask, his sharp nails digging underneath it.

And, in a flash, he had ripped the mask right off of her face, and she felt blood instantly start to run down her face.

"Now that's better. Just like the first time I saw you."

"Ye mean the moment that ye decided ye were going to follow me for the rest of my life?" Isabel asked, and the demon smiled.

"Ah, it wasn't really my decision. Someone else decided to traumatize you. I was just the lucky demon that got assigned to you," he said, and Isabel blinked, trying to get some of the blood out of her eyes.

"Well, ye've definitely done a very good job of torturing me."

"Thank you. I take a lot of pride in my work." Isabel looked down at the ground, where the blood dripping off her face was starting to stain the carpet. She looked back up to meet the demon's eyes, and he smiled again, a little blood leaking out of the corners of his mouth. "So, you've obviously opened the door for a reason. Why?"

"I've come to face ye. Maybe I won't defeat ye for good, but I'm going to at least defeat ye for now." The demon threw his head back and started to laugh, and Isabel stood up straighter, determined that he wasn't going to beat her. Not today.

"Then let's have some fun, shall we?" The room started to turn red, though Isabel wasn't sure if that was because of something on the demon's end, or if the blood running down her face was just turning her vision red. But still, she looked at the demon and started to smile.

"Yes. Let's have some fun."


Katelynn looked out at the horizon, taking a deep breath. She could hear the sound of cows in the distance, and while they couldn't get much closer, she was just happy that they were out here, and that she could see them in the distance. She was going to miss this when they went to Canada, but she was just happy to be going. She put her hands in the pockets of her dress, just soaking in the air when she felt a touch on her shoulder.

"We'd better be getting back to the house," the Man said, and Katelynn nodded, even though she really just wanted to stay out here for a little longer. He slipped his hand into hers, and they started to walk towards the house together. He hadn't kept her locked in the house like she had expected him to. Well, not exactly. She could only leave when she was with him, but still. She had been there for three days, and every day she was there, they had taken a walk outside to make sure she didn't go stir crazy.

He had been extremely sorry about the whole heart incident, especially after she had ended up vomiting. He had promised he would get rid of the thing, and what he had ended up doing with it, Katelynn didn't know or care. As long as it was gone. Since then, he had done everything he could to make up for it, including taking her on these walks. His property was rather small and he didn't have any animals or anything like that, but they had trekked onto the neighbor's property, getting as close as they could without worrying about being caught. And they would stay out there for hours, watching the neighbor's cows.

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