Chapter 28- Memories And Secret Missions

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Isabel looked down the darkened corridor, knowing that the prize was at the other end. She looked at the boy beside her, who was also on the secret mission with her. They both wanted the prize at the end of the corridor. Suddenly, lasers crisscrossed the corridor, and Isabel could swear she was able to see some other traps at the very end of the corridor. The two looked at each other, nodded, and began to traverse through the lasers. They were both experts and easily made it all the way through the lasers. The other traps were more of a challenge, but they both made it through them, as well. They came to the end of the corridor, and Isabel put in the code she knew would open the case. They both looked at the contents inside and smiled. The mission was a success.


Ciara knew she had to get food right after Hotch and Jack for their secret mission to be a success, and she had to trust Jack to be behind Hotch, not in front of him. If it was the other way around, it would never work. Thankfully, Jack understood this and was indeed behind his father. Behind Ciara was Garcia, and Ciara knew that Garcia wouldn't say anything if Ciara asked her not to. Ciara, of course, grabbed some saleeg and some of her own chili but didn't take a cinnamon roll. She had saved some at home for her to eat later, which had worked out because she had made her batches into a baker's dozen. She took the one in the center that she could get to because she had seen Jack eyeing it just a moment before. With as much secrecy as she could manage, she placed the roll on Jack's plate and waited a moment to make sure that Hotch didn't notice. He didn't. She took a moment to whisper in Jack's ear.

"Mission accomplished, agent," she joked, and she could see Jack smile. He didn't laugh, because that would give it away. As soon as everyone had sat down and the blessing had been said (which was extremely awkward for Akilah), Hotch finally noticed the cinnamon roll on Jack's plate.

"Where did that come from?" he asked, and everyone looked over at them. Jack smiled and began to laugh.

"It's a secret, Daddy," he said, and everyone else began to laugh, except for Ciara. She hadn't laughed again since that day at the music store. As she ate and talked with the rest of her team and a few extras, Ciara recalled a memory that involved each of them, and most of them were good. Her eyes fell on Garcia, the bright ball of energy in the group.

"Hey, Garcia, can I ask ye..." Ciara forgot her question when she saw the little figurine on Garcia's desk. "Is that the Tardis?"

"Why, yes it is. You like Doctor Who?" Garcia asked, and Ciara nodded, gingerly picking up the Tardis figurine.

"I watch it every chance I get. The Tenth Doctor is my favorite character," Ciara said, and Garcia laughed.

"And let me guess, in a different fandom, Luna Lovegood is your favorite," she guessed.

"Actually, Molly Weasley is my favorite. Don't ask why," she said, and Garcia nodded. Ciara knew exactly why Molly was her favorite, but she wasn't ready to share that with anyone, because answering that question would only lead to more questions that Ciara really didn't want to answer.

"What's your favorite movie? You and I should totally get together sometime and have a movie night and geek out," Garcia suggested.

"The Matrix. The special effects and soundtrack for that movie are absolutely amazing. And wouldn't we have to invite Reid if we were going to geek out?" Ciara asked, and Garcia smiled and laughed.

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