Final A/N

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And that's the end! There's no more after that. That's all there is to the story.




I'm just kidding.

You didn't really think that I would leave you forever with that ending, did you? But we'll get more into that later. I have a few other things I wanna say first.

Psychosis was first published on January 18th, 2017, and now- 3 years, 8 months, and 4 days later- I've finally hit "publish" on the last chapter. When I first started this book, I had no clue it would take this long! But I also had no clue it would get this popular. At this point in time, this book has 70K reads- that's totally insane! It's been such a long and rough ride, with many, many bumps along the way. Writer's block, time crunches, and computer issues were just some of the problems that were faced. But I can finally say that this book is DONE! I DID IT, GUYS!

To you, the reader, I just want to say thank you. It is you that truly makes this book into something special. It is you- your reads, your votes, your comments- that have made this book as popular as it is, and will keep it going and reaching more people. Whether you have been here since the first chapter back in 2017, are just now getting here, or if you are here five years from now (in which case, greetings from the past! Please tell me it gets better than it is in 2020), your interaction with this book is what keeps me going and keeps me writing. I don't deserve y'all- I really don't.

Gosh, guys, I'm really about to cry. This is such a bittersweet moment for me. But anyhow.

The soundtrack for this book, which will be placed in a separate chapter, consists of fifteen songs that I felt matched the book somehow, whether just in energy, by describing a character, or by describing certain events. They all relate somehow, that's all you really need to know. If enough people ask, I might attach a small, one-sentence explanation onto them, but for now, I hope they explain themselves well enough.

And now for the information everyone has been waiting for. I've been asked this before, and you've probably already figured it out, but...

Psychosis will, indeed, be getting a sequel!

Now for the bad news: I have no clue when I'm going to release the sequel. I have a lot of planning to do before it's ready to be released. I have to finish the cover, finalize the summary, and get my general outline written out before I can even think about releasing it. I meant to do those things before now, but unfortunately, school and work have made it nearly impossible to do so.

All I can tell you is that the sequel will for sure not be out until sometime in 2021. I know that's a long time away, but I hope you'll be patient and stick with me. I'll make it worth your while- and that's a promise!

So keep this book in your library! I'll be making an announcement on here when the sequel is up. And don't forget to follow me! I'll be posting updates on how preparations are going on my profile and will give you a specific date there. However, I'm not going to leave you without anything! I want to give you something about the sequel, something to get you hyped. I've got three options, and yeah, Y'ALL GET TO PICK! To vote on an option, just put an inline comment on it, and sometime in the near future, I'll come back, announce the winner, and give y'all what you voted for. Anyhow, here are the options:

Title & Cover



So yeah, go ahead and pick one.

Well, I think that's about all I have to say. Writing this book has really been so much fun, although I still can't believe it took me almost four years to do it. Hopefully the next one won't take me so long. Oh, and while you're waiting, you should go check out some of my other works! If you're a little confused by the mess that is my profile, just head on over to the book HOME, which is a complete guide to my profile, the link to which you can find in my bio if that's easier for you.

Once again, thank you. For everything.

I can't wait to share the next part of Ciara's story with you.


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