Chapter 9

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I'm laughing at something funny Rubeus said

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I'm laughing at something funny Rubeus said. Everybody is calling him Hagrid or Mister Hagrid. Well, except for me. I like his name and he smiles every time I call him Rubeus so I will never stop doing it. This big half-giant has a heart of gold and I always leave his home with my own heart feeling full and warm after a visit. You can't not like the Keeper of the keys and grounds of Hogwarts. I've always been comfortable in his hut and around him. No, that isn't quite true. The first time we met, it was when Mister Dumbledore saved me from my parents' attic. We were heading out of the house when he told Mister Dumbledore that he was going back to Hogwarts if everything was under control. I don't know how I missed his huge form while passing him to go to the front door but when I heard and finally saw him, I jumped so high that I still wonder how in the name of Merlin I didn't bump my head on the ceiling. He told me he was sorry if he scared me and gently patted me on the top of my head with his enormous hand. For normal sized people, he's already way bigger and taller than them but let me tell you something. I look like a little mouse while standing next to him right now.

" Have a seat, would yeh? Lemme prepare yeh a nice cup o' tea an' I'll give yeh a cake I made myself firs' thing this mornin'. "

Oh, yes. His cakes. Well, I'll try to take a bite again but I don't think I'll be able to eat it as it's so hard, my teeth can't manage to actually sink in it. Poor Rubeus has a lot of talents but cooking isn't one of them. He comes back with a cup so big it looks like a bowl in my tiny hands. Taking a sip of tea, I eye the cake in front of me with suspicion. It doesn't look like it normally does. It looks great! All sugary perfection. It has pink icing all over it with a strawberry on top. I want that thing. Right now. I eye him like my bullshit meter is ticking in the red zone. He looks guilty and averts my eyes while tapping one of his big feet on the floor nervously.

" Alrigh', I'll confess but stop lookin' a' me like tha'. I asked one o' the house elves ter prepare a cake fer Miss Sorenson an' he was so happy ter make the thing tha' he almost peed himself. I would'a had ter giv'him somethin' ter cover himself after an' he would'a think he was free. Anyways, he managed ter save his dignity. I jus' wanted yeh ter have somethin' nice to put in yer tummy. Yer so tiny. I jus' wanted to fattin' ya a little... "

Oh, Rubeus... You big softy... As my eyes are misting over, I get up to give him a hug but end up just hugging his left leg because well... I told you I looked like a mouse next to him...

Then we hear laughter outside of the hut and seconds after that, several fists are knocking at the door. When Rubeus opens it, Luke, Gabriel and Brandon are still laughing hard while our host and I are exchanging curious glances. 

" Well, yeh lot looks like yer havin' a merry time. " 

" S-sorry Hagrid! We... Hahaha! We just s-scared the shit out of Filch! "

" Language, please. " Rubeus is chiding Gabriel while the others are still laughing.

" Sorry, but it was so fucking hilarious! " Gabriel says, turning to me.

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