Bonus Chapter #1

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Oh, my sweet wizard! That feels so good! Yes, please, scratch that spot behind my ear again! I've been on my back for a solid five minutes, getting a belly rub and some love from Corey. I remember now why I love that hooman so much! He didn't even care when I sat on him and he had problems breathing through my fur. I could've transformed into a way more little animal than I am but my hooman, Sang, she called me adorable so I'll be staying this way for a while.

I think she's the cute one. Not me but nobody here ever contradicts the little blonde angel. I totally understand why.  Oh, woof is that? Ah, Luke is running half-naked again. North must be running after him for some odd reason. He's always angry at Luke these days. Must still be because of that huge chocolate fountain he installed in the garden. Or because he gave Sang a banana to dip in the fountain. I don't understand why it was such a big deal. Obviously, my hooman was hungry. I just don't get why everyone got so hypnotized by her eating that fruit. Especially when she got that chocolate running from her chin down her shirt. Those men... I'll never understand.

Oh, right! I completely forgot that Severus was in the bathroom. If I was Luke, I wouldn't have opened that door. Severus looks disgusted, his eyes traveling from Luke's confused face to his naked torso and back up to his face again. 

" Still allergic to buttons, I see. " he spits out as Luke shrugs with half a smile and no particular care in the world. When I grow up, I want to be like him. I'll keep the fur on, though. 

Corey and I watch our friend leave until his weird thing with buttons starts ringing. He looks at it for a second and leaves me with the still disgusted wizard.

" Let's see how you will feel tomorrow, young fool... " Severus murmurs before going back in the bathroom. He sure is smelling like he ate too much of the special chocolate Luke gave him as a 'gift' when he came here for a visit. Even I don't smell that awful when I poop outside.



Everything hurts. My nose is runny and it itches so bad. My eyes! Oh, my eyes, guys! You don't want to have yours as red as mine are and they keep watering! I'm coughing every few seconds and it's driving me crazy! 

What in the world is going on? Why is my skin itchy only where my buttons are? I have to get that shirt off of me. Oh, oh. I was commando, like any normal day and the zipper feels weird in that um... area. Oh, man! Why is my poor Luke Junior so red? I got to get rid of those jeans! 

Phew! No clothes on. I feel so free and breathing seems easier too! Yay! Maybe I should at least put some boxers on. Yeah, only because Severus is here. Also, I don't want to get scolded by North. He always says how much he dislikes seeing his brother in the nude. 

Maybe I should've brought the clothes I left behind on the grass back in the house with me. Maybe I should've brought boxer shorts outside so I wouldn't have needed to go all the way to my room to get some too. I hope North isn't around. If I'm lucky, he's still in the garage repairing his jeep. Please, don't be in the h-

" For God's sake, put some clothes on! You know how much North and Severus hate it when we go around naked. I'm putting some effort. Do the same and save us some yelling. " Axel tells me calmly. He looks bored out of his mind. Sang is still out with Miss Rose, shopping for Muggle women accessories. Her words. Miss Rose fell in love with our Sang the minute she laid eyes on her and has been a great mother figure for her ever since. I'm glad. She needed that. Her real mother was such a bitch.

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