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I had looked for her in the common room, in the library, in the courtyard, and even by the Lake, where she used to sit to stare at it and think, but I couldn't find her anywhere. At six o'clock, I went to the Great Hall and joined Dean, Neville, Ginny and Luna for dinner.

'Hi mate,' Dean greated me. 'Your face looks horrible, Seamus,' Ginny noted.  'That's what happens these days. So I was wondering, where's Dora?'

'No idea,' Neville replied.

'No one?'

'I think she's in trouble. Snape caught her when we were... getting something, but I haven't seen her after,' Ginny said as she piled some food on her plate.

'Snape caught her again? That's no good.'

'Sorry, Seamus. But by her action we got what we had to get,' she said. I saw Neville and Luna glance at her. 'What did you get?' I asked her.

'I can't tell. By the way, if everything goes right, it's leaving tonight.' I didn't ask further, but started eating.

During the night I was awakened by tapping on the window. An owl. I opened the window to let it in quickly, as I knew for sure Death Eaters were guarding the grounds at night.

Dear Seamus

This letter comes from France, because that's where I am right now. Snape sent me to Beauxbatons and I hate it here. I hope you're all well and I'm sorry I couldn't let you know I was going, because I had to leave very fast. You can know why he send me here, but I can't tell you in this letter, as it might not be safe. I hope this reaches you and I want you to know I'll return if I can. Because I really want to. I love you.


I turned the piece of parchment around, took a quill and some ink and quickly wrote my response.


'Was it a good idea to send this girl away? Now we don't have the slightest control over her anymore!' Alecto Carrow told me.

'You don't have to tell me what is a good idea, Alecto.'

'Have you asked the Dark Lord what he thinks about this?'

I sniffed. 'Alecto, I think the Dark Lord is busy enough planning his next... move, at the moment. I am Headmaster. I can handle this myself. That's exactly why He made me Headmaster and not you or your brother.'

'But still. The Dark Lord has forgiven us for not handing her out. He even told us we should keep her here and when it all ends, he would end her himself, and this is how you thank Him?'

'Why, Alecto. It seems to me you have no idea what is going on. Leave the room, please.'


I heard her leave the room as I turned towards the window. It was getting darker outside there. It wouldn't take long anymore now.


On the train back home, when Christmas break had arrived, I thought about it once more, as I had a compartment to my own.

Where was Harry? How would I ever be able to get the sword to him? It was already a month later now, and the sword was still in my trunk. I didn't know what to do with it. I had asked Helen if she knew something, but she didn't and she spend most of the time with Charlie, so I didn't see her a lot.

Neville and Luna didn't know either, although Luna had suggested to go and search him, or write him a letter, but that would be way too risky. How should we sneak out of Hogwarts without getting caught? And besides, we had no clue where Harry was, or Hermione, or Ron...

Maybe I could tell one of my brothers about the sword. Fred and George? Or Bill? I knew Fred and George would never tell mom, but Bill was a bit more serious.

When we arrived home, I never wanted to leave again. I loved my home. 'If it isn't my favourite sister.' Bill gave me a tight hug. 'You've only got one.'

He smirked. 'You're hungry? I made pancakes.'

'Cool. I'll just put my trunk in my room,' I said as I quickly took the handle. 'I'll put it upstairs, dear, you go and enjoy your meal,' mom said and she took the handle from me. 'No, mom-' But I was already to late. She had levitated my trunk, and all three of us heard the iron rattle.

'Ginny, dear, what's in there?' mom asked as she put it back down. I had to hold myself from running towards my trunk to protect it. 'My kettle,' I lied quickly, trying to be as convincing as possible even though this situation was getting on my nerves.

'Why didn't you leave it at school, like you always do?' she asked, frowning. Bill didn't say anything this whole time, he was just staring at me, then at mom, and then at the trunk, and then he started again.

'I have homework for Potions.' I hated to lie to my mom.

'Alright. Finish it on time, dear. Now, I'll take this upstairs.'

'Okay, but don't open it, okay? I'll unpack myself,' I told her. She scanned me for a second and then left with my trunk and Bill and I went to the kitchen to eat.

How much longer could I keep this secret?

Hello! I wrote this book like two years ago, and I've become much better at writing over the years in my opinion. I'd like to know if you guys still like the story and want me to publish the rest of it, even if it's not my best work? Let me know in the comments! ☺

- Loran

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