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The next morning, I woke up pretty early.

Hermione wasn't awake yet, but I changed into my robes and took the book about Magical Creatures downstairs and sat down by the fireplace.

This was the book I had read eighteen times, as I had told Ron. It was interesting, and as I couldn't remember everything after every single time I read it, it didn't matter how many times I read it.

I wasn't interested in Death Eaters or the Dark Lord or anything, but I was very interested in the Dark Arts, not because I wanted to use it on other people to enjoy it, but I just thought it was a broad topic and I liked reading about it a lot.

An hour later, students were entering the common room to go to breakfast, and as Harry and Ron came downstairs, I closed my book and they came to me.

'We better don't leave you alone anymore,' Harry joked. 'Wasn't Hermione ready yet?' Ron asked me.

'She was still asleep when I got here,' I said.

'And what hour did you get here?' asked Ron, preparing for some crazy answer, probably.

'Six o'clock, I think,' I answered. 'Jezus, you're mad,' he said with a surprised expression on his face. I laughed.

'I'm not mad, I'm just - me,' I said. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

'Yep, she's there, we can go people,' Harry interjected my thoughts abruptly. Ron also looked away quickly and we followed Harry and Hermione.

On our way to the Great Hall, Ron began talking to me about the Triwizard Tournament Dumbledore had announced a day ago.

'Pity we can't enter,' he said. I frowned. 'I'm not sure if I would like to,' I said, as he sighed.

'Think about it. Just think about it for a moment: eternal glory.' He said it theatrical, with his arms in the air, and I laughed. Then he sighed again. 'It would be amazing, right?'

'Super amazing. Exceedingly great.'

'Absolutely fantastic.'

'Abnormally wonderful.'


'That one was bad.'

'I know. What about this one: amazingly sufficient.'

'Yeah, that's a nice one.'

We went on like that until we sat down at the Gryffindor table.

'Timetables,' said Percy Weasley, as he was handing out schedules. We took ours and began reading it through.

Ron started swearing. 'Murder me please. Tell me, does God hate me?' I couldn't help but laugh. 'I suppose not, why?'

'A double lesson Potions this morning. Double. And that every monday!' he complained as I took a sip from my milk.

'Don't exaggerate,' I laughed. 'I don't exaggerate.'

'You do.'

'I never do.' He drew a hurt face.

'You're doing it now.'

He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back. I smirked. He sighed and poured some cereals in his bowl.


After breakfast we strode off to the dungeons for Potions. It was very dark and cold in the dungeons, and it had immediately become my least favourite place.

We had to pair up and brew a potion: Amortentia. All the instructions were on the board.

I searched for my name and saw Ron's next to mine. I picked up my bag and walked to Harry and Ron's desk. I smiled at Harry, with a look that told: get away. 'Are you my partner?' Ron asked, pointing at me. 'I am.' He gave me a high-five. 'Nice!'

Harry stood up and walked away, as I dropped myself on the now empty chair. 'Will you get the ingredients?' he asked. I sighed and stood up. 'Alright then,' I said, grinning.

I came back with all of our ingredients and put them on our table. We started cutting them and adding them to the potion. I had to correct Ron a few times, as he was doing some things entirely wrong.

'How do you know it has to be stirred that way,' he asked, simmering. 'It's on the blackboard.'

'Really?' He sighed and gave the spoon to me as he sat back down, his arms crossed. 'Are you dissapointed?' I grinned at him. His face cleared, but he didn't say anything.

'You're thinking now that you're bad at it, aren't you?' He couldn't keep his face under control and grinned. 'I do.' He laughed. 'I really do. You're too good at guessing.' I laughed too. 'I don't guess. I regain.'

In the corner of my eye, I could see Harry and Hermione, who were partners too, look at us, but I didn't pay attention to it. Finally I had a friend with the same sense of humour like me. It felt good to laugh.

Two hours later, the potion was ready, and professor Snape came to our table. 'Mister Weasley and miss Yaxley. Ready?' he sneered.

I saw Ron frowning when he heard my surname. Snape looked at me, incisivly. 'Miss Yaxley, (Ron looked at me again) my regards to your father. Tell him next time you see him, will you?' he said. I nodded. 'Certainly, professor.' I smiled.

He looked at our potion. 'Your surname's Yaxley?' muttered Ron to me. I nodded. 'I heard that somewhere,' I heard Ron mutter to himself. Oh no. Now I had done it. He would find out I was the daughter of a Death Eater, first day of term. Very nice. I wished I could have keep my secret a bit longer, but ofcourse there's no escaping from it. My surname says it all. I was stupid to think I could hide it from them.
But, I was different. I was not one of them and I never would be. Why should he be angry at me for being his daughter? Yes, sometimes I felt like I loved my dad, but who doesn't love their parents if they treat you nice for as long as you've lived with them in the same house?

Snape was done examinating our potion and interrupted my thougts. 'Very well. Now can you test it for me? You first miss. Tell us what you smell.'
I stood up. 'I smell... fresh parchment... and ... old books and ...' I frowned, trying to think clearly. '... forests and... pie.' He nodded and I sat back down, as Ron stood up.

'Well um... mint ... honey ... cherry and ... gingerbread. And um - yeah. That.' He muttered that last part to himself as the potion turned orange and I had trouble not to laugh. Ron sat down next to me, as professor Snape cleared our potion. 'Very well. You may leave class.' He walked away.

'Did you hear that? Leave class early! I mean, this is Snape we're talking about,' said Ron, excited.

'I heard that. He is um - a friend of my dad,' I muttered, as we packed our books and left the dungeon, with Hermione gazing at us.


So there isn't actually happening something, but Dora just needs to get to know them, and get to know Hogwarts and all those new people, I think.

I hope it's okay so far, let me know your opinions!


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