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At five past five I entered the Entrance Hall, panting. I saw Seamus stand in a corner of the room, reading. Wow, did Seamus ever read? I walked towards him quickly. 'Hi. I'm sorry I'm late, my trunk... wouldn't close,' I explained.

Seamus looked up quickly and closed his book. 'Hey, Dora.' He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me into a  kiss. When we broke apart, he smiled at me. 'I missed you.'

'Why did you avoid me then?' I asked, thinking about last week. Seamus hadn't really talked to me much, which I didn't like at all. At a certain moment, I saw him talking with Maddie in the common room a few evenings in a row and almost started thinking Seamus liked Maddie more than he liked me.

'I didn't avoid you. I just thought you... might need some space. To figure some things out,' he said.

'I didn't. I actually needed you,' I confessed. 'I felt a bit lonely all week.'

'Sorry, I just... Maddie was struggling with something. She wanted to talk about it,' he said. 'But I'm here right now, right?' he said as he leaned in to kiss me again, but I turned my head.

'Seamus, I just want you to be happy. Don't worry about Draco and me. He's one of my best friends. It won't happen again,' I said. I knew he knew too what I meant with that.

'I know, I know,' he said with a sigh.

'Ron told me different,' I stated.

'I'm just worried about you,' he said as he scooped my face with his hands.

'Well, don't be. I can take perfectly care of myself,' I said with a chuckle.

'You keep saying that, but everyone needs somebody in his life.'

'Yea. You're right about that.'

'So... can I be that person for you?' he whispered as he leant closer to me. 'You already are,' I replied. 'Really?' I nodded as he looked into my eyes and then pulled me into a tight hug.

Draco's POV

'Are you ready, Draco?' A familiar voice said. 'Yea. Almost,' I told Pansy Parkinson as I put my last stuff in my trunk.

I knew this was the moment. Callidora was staying at my place for the holidays, and I knew all too well I had to make my move now. Before it was too late. Thinking about her and that Finnigan almost made me sick.

She deserved better. I closed my trunk and left my dorm. Pansy was in the empty common room, waiting for me. God, she ennoyed me. I bet she was into me, but I didn't care about her.

'You didn't have to wait for me,' I said as I left the common room and she followed me. 'I don't mind waiting. So that girl is coming with you?' she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 'Yes, she is.'

Pansy sniffed. 'It's for a good cause, Pansy,' I said with a sigh. Pansy sighed too. 'Come on, Draco. You can't be serious with this. Just let her be. She's a Gryffindor. You know what we think about Gryffindors, or have you already forgotten about that, Draco?'

'I haven't, believe me,' I said. But Callidora was different. She would be better off in Slytherin, I knew that, but right now it didn't matter. The plan was all that was on my mind.

'Jeez! I totally forgot about it! I have to pick Allie up,' Pansy said at once. 'I'm sorry, Draco, we'll catch up on the train,' she shouted as she left her trunk behind and sprinted through the corridor to get her owl.

I sighed in relieve. Finally she left me alone. When I arrived at the stairs, I enchanted my trunk so it flew behind me.

As I entered the Entrance Hall, I nearly vomited. Because the only thing I saw was Callidora and Finnigan, standing rather close to eachother, correction, holding eachother, and oh, great, now they were snogging. As if it couldn't get any better.

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