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Draco and I were in his chamber, not doing anything really. I was sitting on his bed, trying to clear my mind.

Draco stood up and walked towards his gramophone. 'Fancy some music?' he suggested. I nodded and he opened a dresser. It was filled with records. I stood up to take a look at it, but he took one out and quickly closed it.

'No, I want to see it,' I said, but Draco shook his head. 'I never knew you had that much music. You never wanted to open that dresser.'

'Yes. It's my most precious collection,' he said as the music began to play. I recognised it immediately. I smiled. Draco looked at me. 'I'm so sorry, Calli. I didn't want anything of this to happen,' he said as he looked in my eyes. 'But why?'

'My parents,' he only said. 'Wow. My own godfather,' I said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

'I am sorry. I'm so sorry, Calli, I swear. You have to believe me.' I only looked into his eyes, which were filled with sadness, and nodded. Draco gave me hug.

Tears escaped from my eyes. I didn't want to cry, swallowed my anger and the tears stopped rolling down my cheeks.

'It's okay to cry, Calli,' Draco whispered. I didn't reply to that, but just laid my head against his chest.

'I'm here for you,' he said.

'I don't understand anything of this world, Draco. Your world.'

'It isn't my-'

We heard a knock on the door and Narcissa entered.

She gave her son a warm smile. 'I'm just interrupting because it's Christmas Day. And... your father and I wanted to exchange presents,' Narcissa told her son. Draco nodded and looked at me. 'We'll be down in a second,' he told his mother. She left his bedroom and Draco turned off his gramophone.

'Really? After what they did? They really think I'm happily going to sit with them and act like I truly love my godfather?' I mocked, but Draco only sighed. 'Don't do stupid things, Calli.'

I took my present for Draco out of my trunk quickly with a sigh.

Then he walked towards the door. 'Are you coming?' I nodded and followed him down the stairs.

Narcissa and Lucius were sitting in the sitting room. There was a Christmas tree in the corner of the room.

Draco sat down in the couch next to his mother and I sat down next to Lucius, a bit nervous. Narcissa smiled at me.

'Okay. Lucius and I have a present for you both,' she said as he stood up and left the room. A few seconds later he entered the room again with a big and a small package. He gave the small one to Narcissa, and the big one to me.

'Here you go, Callidora. I'm still your godfather after all,' he said with a small smile. I took the parcel greatfully and opened it. 'Thank you so much,' I said honestly with a gasp as I saw what was in it. A Firebolt Surpreme. I got up and gave my godfather a hug, although he was surprised by my action, but I didn't care.

'You're welcome,' he said, smiling. Draco was hugging his mother too. He had gotten a ring, with a snake engraved and a text. I couldn't read it, but I decided to ask him later.

'Alright, my present for Draco,' I said as I took the box and gave it to him. He opened it and smiled. 'Thank you,' he said as he put the box down and hugged me tight. 'I knew you would still like it. It's your favourite,' I said, gesturing to the box filled with liquorice wands. 

He nodded, still smiling. 'I do. I love it. I've got a present for you too.'

He took a small, blue box from underneath the tree and gave it to me. It was a necklace with a scarlet red locket, which contained a small piece of paper, which I opened up. Draco had written one sentence on the piece of paper, but it made me happier than the broomstick.

I bet I can fly faster.

'We both know I can,' I said as I hugged him. 'Yea. I still don't like to admit it,' he answered. His parents didn't seem to understand what this was about, but Draco and I both knew. The sentence was something Draco used to say all the time whenever I was with the Malfoys. We both liked challenges.

How could these people be so sick inside? Because they were. Why would they serve Lord Voldemort anyway? Why did people like this exist? What happened to this world we lived in?

There must be a better world, I know it.

Thank you for reading! By the way, this is one of my all-time favourite songs! I love The Smiths, and this song is so sad yet so beautiful to me.

Anyway, enough of my twaddle, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, don't forget to vote!


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