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Classes were finally getting a little bit interesting, although I kept messing it up.

During Charms I couldn't even cast a decent Fire-Making Spell, although it was only revision. In Potions class, Snape kept inciting me. I hated that, because normally I was pretty good at Potions, only now it didn't go well and Snape made me stress out more.

This time he came to my table again, as we had to brew a potion individual. 'Callidora, I hope you will improve, because this potion is... miserable. Clear your cauldron, start again. You're not leaving my classroom before you've finished it.'

I sighed. 'Really? I'm doing my best, I swear,' I tried to pursuade him. I really didn't want to stay in class because I had to talk to Hermione and Seamus before Hermione got even more mad at me for not trying to sort this out.

'You're not doing your best at all. And now get back to work. I'll have a word with you after class.' I nodded as he walked away and I cleared my cauldron. I had nodded to Snape, but all I thought was no, no, no, NO! How on earth could I possibly mess Potions up? How?! I really couldn't afford to stay late in class. I had to talk to Hermione today! And oh my god, I had totally forgotten about Quidditch practise!

I sighed and cut my ingredients again, trying to make this potion as quickly as possible. It depressed me even more to see Ron and Harry had almost finished. Even Seamus hadn't blown up his potion this time. I felt pretty dumb and when I watched Seamus work, he popped up in my head again. Why now? I had managed to keep him out of my head the most of the day, but he kept confusing me.

I shook my head and focused back on my potion. The greenish color had turned dark brown and I panicted a little bit. Quickly I grabbed my spoon and tried to fix it. Finally it had turned out dark green. I was happy with that and added the rest of the ingredients. When the lesson was over, I had to see all of the students leave, whilst I was still finishing my potion.

Snape watched my steps closely and I really hated him for a moment. After an extra hour of brewing I had finally finished it.

'I'm done,' I said heated, as I closed my book and threw it in my bag. 'Not so fast, we'll see if you actually are done,' Snape said as he came over to my table again and inspected the potion.

'You can't keep me in here any longer. I did what you asked,' I said quickly, panting. My hair was very poofy from hanging above the cauldron for hours and hours and all I wanted to do was go to the Gryffindor common room and climb in my bed. And sleep for days.

'This potion is worth a Dreadfull. I expect you to be better in Potions, Callidora, as I have heard from professor McGonagall you would like to become a healer. Is that right?' I nodded.

'Now, for this time, it's alright. But I would like to have a word with you. Firstly I would like to know what it is that keeps you from your good work in class.'


'Nothing?' he said, raising his eyebrows and taking a closer look at me. I shook my head slightly.

'I have Always known you are someone who likes to keep things for herself, but now is not a good time to act like a person like that.'

'I'm very sorry, but I don't act like that, that's just me,' I sneered at him.

'Look, Callidora, I'm talking to you about this because your father isn't here to have this conversation with you. You are missing him in your life right now, and I am just trying to keep you on track as you want to have a good job after leaving Hogwarts.'

'I can take care of myself. I'm good. Completely.'

'I can't agree with you if I know you are lying to me, but I don't see why you should lie.'

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