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(3 january, 1990)

My dad had taken me to Knockturn Alley to buy me my birthday present. Today was my tenth birthday, and he let me choose my own present. 'What would you like to have, Calli?' he asked, whilst we were walking through the dark Alley. I didn't really like it there, but my dad never went to Diagon Alley, so I had do deal with it. 'A book,' I told him. 'And what kind of book?' I thought for a second. 'A story.'

All the books dad had ever bought for me were about the Dark Arts, but at school my friend Dilanely had borrowed me her books, and I fell in love with reading.

'A story? Books are supposed to educate, my child,' my dad said. Sometimes he spoke to me so formal, and I hated it. 'Dora, dad,' I said. 'I'm not calling you Dora. It sounds cheap. Our family is not cheap, Calli.'

'I want a storytelling book,' I said again. 'From Diagon Alley. Flourish and Blotts has that.' As I was ten years old, I didn't understand why we couldn't go to Diagon Alley. My dad kept telling me we couldn't go there, because we were pure-bloods and we didn't have to be there for one reason. I thought about the Weasleys. They were pure-bloods too and they did go to Diagon Alley. But I didn't say anything. I supposed father didn't like them, but I did.

Dad wouldn't let me go to Diagon Alley, so he took me to Borgin and Burkes. 'Now you can choose something, but something small, okay?' I nodded, and started walking through the shop, whilst my dad talked with the shop owner. He Always frightened me a bit. I didn't see anything I liked, until I saw the only book in the shop: it was an old book about Creatures. I loved Magical Creatures, so I went to my dad, and pointed at the book. 'Can I have that?' I asked. The shop owner took the book. ' Fifteen galleons,' he said. My dad flipped through the book. 'Sure you want this?' he said an I nodded. So he paid my book and we Apparated home.


I had to think of that moment as I entered Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. I walked across the crowded platform, and pushed my cart towards the train.

Dumbledore had been writing to my dad, and offered to put me in Gryffindor, and I wrote the respond (Yes please) and told my dad I was put in Slytherin. He wouldn't be happy if he knew I was a Gryffindor now.

On the train, I had a hard time finding an empty compartment. I just wanted to sit down and read. Whilst I was searching, I passed Draco Malfoy and his comrades Crabbe and Goyle. 'Hi, niece. Didn't knew you were kicked out of Durmstrang?' Malfoy grinned at me. 'Draco. Pleasure to meet you. And I'm not kicked out of Durmstrang. We moved,' I said.

I didn't know why Draco was acting like that to me, because we had always been good friends, as our family's were close friends.

'Suppose you're in Slytherin?' he asked, hopefully. I knew he wanted me to.

'No. I'm a Gryffindor.' I smirked and crossed my arms.

'You? Gryffindor? Don't let me laugh, Calli. Ofcourse you're a Slytherin. Your whole family was in Slytherin.' I looked at my old friend. He seemed worried, but he didn't want me to notice. 'I'm not joking. I really am in Gryffindor. And if you would excuse me now, I need to find a compartment,' I said, and I turned around.

'You can sit with us,' Draco said. I turned around and scanned his face. 'No, thanks.'

I turned around again, and walked further. Then my book slipped out of my hands and I ducked to get it. I saw a pair of hands take my book, and as I stood up, I looked right into Ron Weasley's eyes. 'Thanks,' I muttered. He smiled.
We stood there for a moment.

'You have uhm - my book,' I said. 'Oh, yeah.' He gave me my book back. 'I'm sorry, I was just looking for a place to sit, actually,' I said. Why did I say that? I could hit myself. I was just amazed by the kindness and looks of this boy. Although, he should cut his hair.

'Well, you can sit with us, if you like?' he asked. My heart skipped out of excitement. 'Uhm... yeah. Sure.'

He lead me to his compartment. There were already two people sitting, a girl with brown, frizzy hair, and a boy with raven-black hair, glasses and a scar -. Harry Potter. I recognised him immediatly, from the pictures I had seen from him in the Daily Prophet, as my dad was suscribed. The girl smiled at me and she reached out her hand. 'I'm Hermione Granger,' she said. I shook her hand. 'Dora.' Harry also streched his hand out and I shook it. 'Har-'

'Harry Potter,' I said. He frowned. 'Yes, I know you.' I sat down and smiled. Now I really fucked up the atmosphere. 'Dialy Prophet,' I added. Harry nodded. 'Okay.'

'I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward,' I said. 'What? No. It's alright,' he said quickly. I nodded. 'How was your name again?' he asked. 'Dora,' I repeated. 'I'm a transfer,' I added. 'Nice. Wich house are you in?' asked Ron, to keep the conversation going. I was thankful for that.

'Gryffindor. Fourth year,' I answered. It was starting to feel a bit awkward right now. 'Nice. We too,' said Ron, pointing at the three of them. I laid my book next to me and smiled. 'What was your previous school?' he asked. There it was: Durmstrang, the school where they didn't let Muggle-borns in. 'Durmstrang,' I said. So there I was: together in a compartment with a Weasley and the Boy Who Lived, who were both in the same house as I did, where I actually didn't belong to, because my father was a Death Eater.

What did I do to myself? Why didn't I join Draco? Because I didn't want to, a voice in my head said.


Hello! It took me a while, but I'm writing this fanfiction right now. If you've known my account longer than this book, you must know I speak Dutch and write (wrote) Dutch.

I never really liked to write fanfictions, but now I actually love it. So you see, if you never try, you never know.

I decided to write this story in English, not because my English is that good (it's terrible, let's be honest) but because anything including the Harry Potter Universe has to be written in English, I thought.

I have already finished writing this book, but I'm kind of editing it!

I hope you enjoyed this long first chapter (I can tell this is quite my usual length, I just had way too much inspiration for this story) and if you did, you can vote and comment if you like!


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