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That Saturday, Hermione woke me up at seven o'clock. 'Come on! First Hogsmeade visit of the year,' she said in a sing song voice.

I got dressed and we went down the stairs to the common room. When Harry arrived, Hermione and Harry wanted to leave, but I didn't follow.

'Dora, we can go,' said Harry, pointing at the the portrait hole. 'I'll wait for Ron, as both of you refuse to wait for him,' I said accusing.

Hermione shrugged as Harry stared at me, non understanding. I looked back, reproachful. 'Come on, Harry,' said Hermione, as she left the common room.

Ten minutes later, Ron came down the stairs and I walked towards him. 'I thought you left,' said Ron surprised when he saw me. 'They did, but I thought I should wait for you. Come on, breakfast,' I said, as I walked to the portrait hole.

When we arrived in the Great Hall, the house tables were almost empty, as it was weekend, and most of the students were still asleep.

I wanted to go and sit with Harry and Hermione, but Ron gave a tug at my arm. 'Not over there,' he muttered, as he pulled me to the other side of the table. We sat down and piled some food on our plates.

'You can't keep avoiding Harry,' I stated. Ron grunted. 'Now they're looking at us,' he muttered, as he kept his gaze on his plate. I glanced in their direction to see Harry and Hermione both look at me. I smiled and quickly looked away.

'You have to talk to him,' I said matter-of-factly. Ron sighed. 'He doesn't talk to me either,' he said.

'Really? Are you going to act that childish?'

Ron sighed again and took a bite from his toast. I raised my eyebrows.

'Ron! You need to apologise to him,' I said.

'I don't need to do anything. And I don't want to talk about it, okay?'

I nodded.

When we were done eating, we both stood up. 'Come on. Going to show you Hogsmeade!' said Ron excited.

I was happy he was back to normal.

We were on our way to Hogsmeade, when my cousin, Draco walked by with Blaise Zabini, a friend of him.

'Hey Calli! And Weasel,' he greeted us. I heard Ron sniff. 'Draco!' I said, surprised. 'How you're doing, Calli?' he asked. Calli was the nickname I had known for years and hearing it again felt nostalgic.

'Great. And you, Draco?' I asked. He smirked. 'Excellent. Still strange to see you in Gryffindor,' he said, as he crossed his arms across his chest. He looked full of himself, but I knew he wasn't like that always, but just pretended.

I nodded. 'Gryffindor's super.' He raised an eyebrow. 'I wonder what your dad's going to say if he hears you're a Gryffindor, Calli,' he said smirking.

I took a deap breath. 'I don't know what you're talking about.' Draco stepped closer to me.

'You know exactly what I'm talking about. You didn't tell him, did you?' he asked. I thought about what I could say to that. I couldn't lie to Draco. He always looked right through me.

I shook my head. 'And you're not telling it either,' I snarled. 'Calm down, Calli. I didn't allege anything.'

'Why do you even talk to her like that? That nickname?' Ron snapped at Malfoy. 'Ron don't, it's fine,' I muttered to Ron.

'Didn't you told him who I am, Calli? At least you should tell your boyfriend,' he said, smirking. I slapped him in the face. 'Hey! He's not my boyfriend!'

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