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Hermione's POV

I hadn't heard Dora enter our dormitory and when I woke up, I saw her bed was empty. I looked at the clock: it was only half past six in the morning. I knew Dora might be up already, because she often spend the morning reading in the common room.

I changed and went down the stairs. In the common room, I saw a small figure with jet black hair laying on the couch. As I approached, I noticed it was Dora, still in her school uniform, sleeping. I gave a gentle tug at her arm. 'Dora, wake up. Dora?' I hissed.

'Hermione?' Dora opened her eyes and sat up straight. 'Oh, I've fallen asleep here?'

'Obviously. What for?'

'Nothing. I was just tired at once. Was watching the fire. Fascinating.' I frowned. 'Fascinating?' Dora nodded.  We both knew I didn't believe a word of it, but dropped the subject anyway.

'Come on, we'll have breakfast.'


Dora's POV

At breakfast, Hermione and I sat together at the end of the table. 'Are you going to tell me what happend last night or not?'

I sighed. 'No.'

Hermione raised her eyebrows. 'You're upset about it. I think it's better you actually would tell me.'

'No, I have no intention to do so, so I won't.'

I saw Draco enter the Great Hall. Hermione didn't stop asking. 'Dora, come on. Be a bit reasonable. How are we supposed to help you if you won't tell us anything? You know, you're really hard to understand sometimes.'

'Well, then just don't understand me,' I said as I stood up, took my plate and walked away.


I ignored Hermione and walked towards the Slytherin table and sat down opposit to Draco, who was sitting alone. 'Hi Draco,' I said. Draco seemed very surprised when he saw me.

'Wow. You are actually talking to me again? Like after half a year?!' he said surprised.

'Don't be silly, Draco. We both know you just tried to kiss me because of a bet or something.'

'So you've finally got it, right?'

'I've thought about it. With who?'

'Pansy. She just wants my attention.'

I smirked at him. 'Do you have to admit something, Draco?'

He grinned too. 'No, the only thing I have to mention is that she doesn't stop hanging around me. God, it's annoying.'

'Then just tell her,' I suggested.

'Are you crazy? I can't do that.'

'Why not? You said it yourself, she annoys you!'

'It isn't that simple, Calli. I'll hurt her.'

I snorted. 'Yeah. Lately it doesn't matter to hurt your friends like that.'

'What do you mean? Finnigan?'

'How do you know?'

'Just a guess.'


'What did he say?'

'Nothing. That's the point.'

He grinned. 'Really? You argued about something like that?'

'It didn't went like that. Something's just bothering him... Since last year, really, and he doesn't want to tell me what it is. I was worried, but he didn't care and he sort of stated he couldn't trust me.'

Draco seemed to think about that for a few seconds. 'That's ridiculous.'

'I suppose...'

'Especially because he appears to like you a lot. Everyone can see it.'

'Why don't I see it then?'

'Because you like him too. That makes it different.'

'You seem like an expert,' I said with a chuckle.

'I'm not an expert, you know that. I just observe others. That's an art too,' he stated smirking. 'You know, Calli, you just need to take the first step then. If he's holding back... Don't hold back too then. Or you might let the love of your life pass you by. You don't want that, do you?'

I shook my head slightly. 'Well, come on then. Talk to him. Just talk to him. Maybe he'll talk back. Maybe not. Who cares?'

I laughed. 'Oh my god, you should hear yourself talking right now.'

Draco seemed occupied for a minute. I turned around to see what he was gazing at. 'Why's Granger gazing at us? She doesn't seem too happy with you sitting here, I think,' he stated.

'I abandonned her. Kind of.'

Draco smirked. 'Just keep your friends close, Calli. Especially now. You don't want to end up alone when Lord Voldemort... you know...'

I nodded. 'Right. I'll take that as an advice.'

Draco nodded too as he lent back a bit. 'You might need to have a word with Granger too later, as I look at the situation now.'

'Her name's Hermione, Draco. I don't call you Malfoy either, do I?'

'That's different. I'm your friend, but Granger's not my friend.'

'Fine! Call her Granger then.'

'Precisely,' Draco said with a smirk.


After breakfast Draco went to his common room with Zabini and Pansy and I went to Gryffindor tower to get my books.
I didn't see Hermione anywhere, nor Ron or Harry. Seamus and Dean were sitting in the common room, but I acted like I didn't see them and walked straight past them, even when Dean called me.
When I had got my stuff, I had to go Divination. I hated Divination.

Professor Trelawney was as vague as always when I arrived. I shared a table with Harry and Ron. 'Oh, dear,' professor Trelawney said as I sat down. 'I see a dark cloud above you, my dear... That certain loved one... Is he alright? I won't be too sure of that. What you most fear will happen soon...' she muttered to me. I couldn't help but smirk. Every time term started again, she predicted something like that.

It didn't surprise me anymore. Every time she predicted death or something to a student. This time to me.

Sometimes I wondered why I hadn't dropped Divination after a year. 'What's wrong with Hermione actually?' Ron asked whilst we were gazing at a page in our books. All three of us knew we didn't understand what was in our books anyway.
'She seems a bit upset,' Ron added. 'I'm sorry, it might have to do with me... I was a bit mean to her, whilst she was only trying to help...'
'Oh. That must be it then. Why?' Harry said.

'Hermione just wants to help, but sometimes that can be pretty annoying if she keeps asking the same question. And then I walked away and had breakfast with someone else.'

I avoided Draco's name as I knew they wouldn't understand.

'Just... Try to fix it, please. I don't like it when two of my best friends don't talk to eachother,' Ron states.

'I'm planning on talking to her, really.'

'Well, don't wait with that for too long, I don't like it when Hermione's mad,' Ron repeated.

'Yeah, me neither,' said Harry with a chuckle. Ron smiled too. I raised my eyebrows and laughed too. 'Okay, it's fine.'

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