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Seamus' POV

I sighed as Dora walked away with Malfoy. I never liked Malfoy. Come on, who did? Apparently Dora. I turned around and set off to the three broomsticks.

As I entered, I saw Hermione, Dean, Ron and Harry were sitting at a table in the back, so I joined them. 'Hi guys,' I said as I took of my coat and sat down. 'Hey Seamus. Didn't Dora come with you?' Ron asked as he glared at the door.

'No, she had more important things to do,' I replied with a sigh. Hermione frowned. 'And what was that?'

'I don't know. Malfoy wanted to talk to her.'

'Malfoy?' Harry repeated disbelieving. I could see he was thinking about that. 'Yep. I don't know what he's up to.'

'Don't worry, Seamus, I know it's not what you think,' Hermione said, caring. 'You don't even know what I think,' I replied as I stood up. 'I um... butterbeer,' I muttered as I walked towards the counter.

Ron's POV

I did not know why Malfoy seemed to have such a big importance in Dora's life, but apparently he had.

'Why's he so nervous?' I asked Dean, who was sitting beside me. Dean glared at Seamus, who didn't seem to be at ease.

'I would be nervous too if I knew my girlfriend was hanging around with some git that kissed her before. I think he's just afraid he will try it again and that Dora would approve this time. I don't know,' Dean replied.

'She's his girlfiend?' I asked, frowning. 'I don't think it's official, but come on, you can see there's something going on between them.'

'Didn't Seamus tell you about it?' I asked Dean, as he happened to be Seamus' best friend ofcourse. 'No. Seamus doesn't talk about feelings. He's just like Dora, really. Perfect for eachother,' he said with a grin as he took a sip from his butterbeer.

'What are you whispering about?' Harry interrupted.

'Nothing,' Dean said quickly as Seamus came back to our table and sat down. 'Absolutely nothing,' he repeated as he glared at his friend.

Dora didn't come to the Three Broomsticks anymore.


Dora's POV

After Charms on Friday, we were officialy free to go home or stay at Hogwarts, but we could  enjoy our holidays anyway. Hermione and I were packing in our dorm. I didn't know where Chantry and the other Gryffindor girls of our age were (I guessed their names were Lavender, Parvati and Maddie, but we didn't often speek to them. Lavender was always talking with Parvati, and Maddie was kind of... alone. Often alone.)

'You're going to Malfoy's?' Hermione asked frowning as she was searching some clothes underneath her bed. Hermione was most likely the most organized, but even her bed got a bit messy.

'Yeah, I don't know why either, but I suppose it will be okay, right? I mean, Draco and I are good friends.'

Hermione sniffed. 'If you say so.'

'What do you mean?' I asked. I looked at my trunk. I just hoped I would be able to close it, because for now it looked like that was never going to happen.

'Well, I don't know how you think about it, but I would never kiss a good friend,' she stated as she closed her trunk. How did she do that?

I knew I could just use the spell, but I wanted to be able to pack myself. You know, I think wizards should know more Muggle-things than they do now. One should be able to do everything himself. I'm very good at that. Except for packing, okay, I admit!

I sighed as I put some robes in my trunk. 'It was some sort of misunderstanding, Hermione. He admitted he did it for a bet,' I stated. Hermione rolled her eyes. 'Whatever it is, I'll stop ranting about it right now, and just wish you a nice holiday. With Malfoy,' she added.

I smiled. 'You too, 'Mione.'

She waved and then left the dormitory with her trunk.

I was now alone. I checked the time and almost dropped my box of candies. It was already five to five, and I had said I would meet Seamus in the Entrance Hall to say goodbye, in five minutes! Besides Draco would be waiting for me too.

I quickly gathered my stuff and threw it all in my trunk. When I couldn't get it closed, not even by sitting on top of it, I took out my wand with a sigh. 'Pack.' In a few seconds it was done and I could finally leave the dorm.

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