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"Hey, I just wanted to say that we miss you and we want you to come home. We can catch up and have a nice family dinner. Okay, uhm, call me back." *beep* Tyler sighed. He walked to the living room and sat down in the sofa. Josh was at work and Tyler was home alone. He scrolled through his contacts and found Josh's number.

Calling Jishwa




"Hello?" Josh asked. He wasn't used to Tyler calling him when he was at work. "Hi." Tyler said a little quiet. "What's wrong?" Josh asked. "Uhm, m-my p-parents w-wanted me t-to uhm, come h-home. And they t-they." Tyler tried but he ended up as a sobbing, stuttering mess. "Shh, Tyler, I'll leave early today and we'll talk okay?" Josh said. "Y-yeah." Tyler said and tried to steady his breathing. "I'll be home in ten minutes, I love you." Josh said. "I love you too." Tyler said and sniffled. Josh hung up and Tyler laid down. His body was shaking and his breathing was out of controll. He tried to calm himself my thinking of Josh and that it wold be okay.

"Babe, I'm home!" Josh yelled in a happy voice. But he was really worried for Tyler. Josh didn't get an answer. "Tyler, where are you?" Josh asked. He didn't get and answer. Josh stayed quiet to try to hear where Tyler was. He heard running water and soft sniffles. Josh took off his shoes and ran towards the bathroom. He knocked and opened the door. And there Tyler was. In the overflowing bathtub with clotes on. "C'mon." Josh whispered and reached out for Tyler. Tyler grabbed Josh's hands and stood up. Josh hugged Tyler and lifted him out of the bathtub. Tyler was sobbing into Josh's shirt. "Shh, It's gonna be okay." Josh whispered. Tyler gripped Josh's shirt and shook his head. Josh got Tyler changed into one of his sweatshirts(BABY YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT!!) and laid him down in the bed. Tyler dragged Josh with him and rested his head on Josh's chest. "Wanna tell me what happened baby?" Josh asked. Tyler sighed. "My mom wants me to come home. She and my dad used to abuse me so I moved away. Now it's been five years and I havn't been home." Tyler said. "You moved away when you were fourteen?" Josh whispered. "Yeah." Tyler whispered back. "But where did you go?" Josh asked. "I went to live with my friend." Tyler said. "But they kicked me out when I was fifteen." Tyler said. "Where did you go after that?" Josh asked. "I had the money to move for myself, then I found Jenna and married her when I was Eighteen." Tyler said. "And then she cheated on you and you found me." Josh said. "You found me." Tyler said and laughed. "You actually approached me first." Josh said and laughed. "What? I did?" Tyler asked and laughed harder. "Yeah."

I'm sorry for the slow updates!! I'm really stressed(out) at the moment so i haven't really got that much time to write. I am working on it but for now there's going to be a little slower updates... :((

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