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"You can go sit down in the living room, I'm gonna talk to Zack." Tyler said. Tyler knocked on the door. He didn't get a response so he walked in. Pools of tears started to form in Tyler's eyes when he suddenly remembered. "Uhm, hey Zack." Tyler said a little carefully. "I'm home." Tyler said and laughed sadly. "I wish you were too." Tyler said and sniffled. "I wish we could turn back time. To when mom used to sing us sleep and when we jumped on the trampoline so high we'd reached for the sky. When we and other neighborhood kids would get together and ride our bikes. When you always used the holographic Pokémon cards. I miss you." Tyler said as rivers flowed down his cheeks. "I really miss you Zack." Tyler said. He laid down in the bed. It smelled like Zack. Tyler sat up again and started to cry. He really hated what he'd done.

"Tyler, are you sure I'm going to be able to go to this college?" Zack asked. "Yes, I'm sure." Tyler said and laughed a little. "You'll get into any college with the grades you have." Tyler said and smiled. "Thank you Tyler." Zack said and packed the rest of his bags.

"Bye." Tyler whispered and hugged Zack. "Bye." Zack said. Their mother and father were out somewhere. They always left. They were never home to take care of them. And when they did they hit them. So Tyler took care of the kids.

"The plane from Ohio to LA crashed this morning due to a failure in the motor." A lady on the news said. Tyler's hands started to shake. Tyler found his phone and found Zack's number. He called and waited.




"Hello. It's Zack! It looks like I'm not available right now. Call me back. *beep*

Tyler hung up and ran to his computer. He looked at the list of all the people who died in the crash.

Zack Joseph.

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