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Wait to start the song.

Tyler walked into his house. The house looked so different. All the lovey-dovey stuff was gone. Tyler smiled to himself. "This actually feals good." Tyler said to himself. He didn't realize how good it felt to be single. He could use his money on himself. He could go out without someone asking where he had been. Tyler felt so free. He walked over to his Bluetooth speaker and put on music.

Play the song, it's:
All Time Low - Jon Bellion

(Jendbdhdh he's coming to Norway!! (GUESS WHO LIVES IN NORWAY!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! I DO!!)But i didn't start liking him before the tickets were sold out and me and my friend almost started crying like... i'm shook!! UGH)

Tyler sang along and danced. He didn't know why but he wanted to fix up the house. He started to clean and tidy up the house. "I really need some art to hang on the walls." Tyler said to himself. Tyler cleaned the house and moved some furniture around.

After around three hours of fixing the house Tyler fell asleep on the couch.

Tyler woke up the next morning by his phone getting a message. Tyler sat up and looked at his phone. He saw that Josh had sent him a message.

12.13pm| Josh:
Hey, It was nice yesterday. I really enjoyed hanging out with you and i'd like to hang out more.

12.21pm| Tyler:
I'm going to the store to buy some stuff for the house do you wanna join me? We can buy Taco Bell on the way there.

12.21pm| Josh:
SICK AS FRICK! Yes I'm in. Can you pick me up?

12.22pm| Tyler:
Okay, I'll be there in 5

12.22pm| Josh:
Okay, thanks!!

Tyler grabbed his keys and walked out. He made sure to lock the door before going into his car and starting it. He drove to Josh's house and waited till he came out. "Hello." Josh said and smiled. "Hey." Tyler said and smiled. Josh fastened his seatbelt and Tyler drove out of the driveway.

They walked into the Walmart and took a shopping cart. Tyler smirked at Josh and Josh nodded. Tyler smiled and sat down in the shopping cart. He pointed and Josh ran while pushing Tyler. They ran around the store and found cool things to Tyler's house.

The cart started to get full of stuff that Tyler could decorate his house with. "Are we done?" Josh asked. "Yeah, we need some money to get Taco Bell you know." Tyler said and laughed. "Oh yeah, right." Josh said and laughed.

They paid and Josh pushed Tyler to the exit. Josh pushed the cart with Tyler in to the car and they packed everything. "Your house is gonna look so sick in no time!" Josh said. Tyler smiled and got into the car. "Taco Bell here we come!" Tyler yelled and drove out of the parking area.

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