Sleepy Hollow: Ichabod & Abbie

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*Ichabods POV*

I held Abbie's hand in my hand, shaking like a madman.

The doctor said that she was going to be okay, but she doesn't look all right to me. And that's exactly what I told them.

"Are you sure?"
My voice was louder then I anticipated, but I didn't care.

"Yes Mr.Crane, we've had injuries like these before."

They had no idea what they were talking about.
I mean seriously, it's like saying 'Oh yeah, we've seen cases of Horsemen and/or retarded Sin Eater's choking people, along with being locked in purgatory for a year or so, we know how to treat Abbie'
It honestly makes me sick, all of this generation. I've had it.

"Well, you better know what the bloody heck your doing, because if she is not healthy and nOT in pain, you will be."

Jenny, who recovered from her car accident, pulled up a chair and was sitting beside me, smirked; not in the embarrassing or sarcastic way, but as if she knew it herself I would.

"Abbie is the most brave, kind, funny, amazing, beaUTIFUL, even has 500 friends on your flimsy Facebook telecommunication!
You don't know how much she's helped me the past year, and how much I love her & how big of an impact she's had on me and my life!! You don't deserve to be even in the same room as her!"

Ichabod looked down, and to his surprise, Abbie was looking up at him, smiling her beautiful smile.(:

*Abbies POV*

Oh Ichabod.
I heard every word he said about me, and I literally had to use all my willpower to start smiling like an idiot.

He looked down at me, and showed his big toothy smile- oh that smile.

I started to sit up on my arms, but half way through that movement, he already had his arms around me and hugging me like I haven't seen him in forever.

And that's what it felt like.

We stayed like that for a while, and both of us started tearing up a bit while being held in each other's arms.

As if no one else was in the room.

"I m-missed you" I said, choking back the tears.

There was silence.

"..Every day that you were gone... Left a hole in my heart. It was as if you fill a place in my heart, that not even Katrina or anyone will ever take the place of.."

"I love you, Ichabod. You know that right?"

"And me you, Leutenet" ❤️



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