The aftermeth of the rink.

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*Abbie's POV*

"Oh my god." We both said.

By now, we had left the rink and we were at my house.

We both felt sick as crap.

"Aabbbiieeeeeeeee, why'd you get all that fooood?" He wined

"I thought you would eat it all."

I answered simply.

"Well, we did."

"Yeah, did you see that look on the lady's face when she had to clean all that junk up?"

I said, starting to laugh then stopping because it made my stomach hurt more.

"What look, the one when she had to clean up the wrappers and boxes, or the throw up- if that's what we shall call it in this time period?"

"Umm............ Both."

My head hurts.

*Ichabods POV*

I hope Abbie was okay, she told me her head hurt.

Yes, my head did hurt very bad as well, but I was still worried about Abbie..

After a few minutes of talking back and forth, I asked:

"Miss Mills, may I be allowed to turn on this colored talking box of yours, to see if it may help your head feel better?"

"Your too nice Ichabod, and um sure, do what you want.." She asked kind of dazed.

I reached out to grab the rectangular box with buttons and pressed the bright red one at the top left corner.

"I'll be right back.." She said, more to the wall then me.

"Are you sure your alright miss mills? Do you need me to go and help you?" I said already standing up.

"No, no, no.. It's fineeee.." She replied.

I was worried.

I slowly sat down, and watched her as she walked out of the room.

I turned my attention to the TV and saw this intriguing show apparently called the Discovery Channel.

*half an hour later*

I heard a scream.

It was Abbie.


I jumped up as fast as possible, tripping over the coffee table an running into the door.


ABBIEE!!!" I screamed over and over again, my face completely red, sweat dripping down my face.

My breath was ragged, my eyes wild as ever.

I burst through the bedroom door and saw her, backing away from the left wall near her bed, her head right below the window.

"It's a dam raccoon!!" She said turning to me for an instant, then directing her attention back to the scared animal.

I half walked/half jogged towards her.

"How the hades did it get in here!?!" I said, my hands on my knees.

"It chewed through the freakin' screen!!" She screamed.

I reached out to it- maybe it wasn't so crazy, maybe it was tamed enough for us to just trap it and lift it out of the window..

Like I said, I reached out to it- and let me tell you that was my first mistake.

It hissed at me.

No, let me re-word that,

It spread out its arms and legs, puffed up like a pillow, hissed the louded hissed I've ever heard in my time,

Oh and did I forget to mention that it attacked my neck?


*Abbie's POV*

"ICHABOD!!" I shouted- the neighbors probably calling the cops right now.

Ok, so your probably going to call my crazy as I say this, but I have my reasons.

As a cop, you also had to take a course on how to handle 'animal situations'.,

And I learned that if 2 dogs are attacking Each other, 2 people have to grab the bottom of the animals back legs, so they can't attack Each other anymore.

So, long story short, that's what I did with the raccoon..

I grabbed it's back legs and tossed him out of the window, looking back for an instant to make sure it was alright, then running to Ichabod.

"Are you okay!?!!?" I said, looking at the scratched on his face, one of the cuts pretty deep on the bottom if his chin.

"Are you?!" He said, watching me.

"Crane, I'm fine! Your the one that just got attacked by the freakin raccoon!"

"But your the joke that saved me! That-that- b-BEAST of an animal could've turned around and have bitten you!"

"But that raccoon actually DID bite you!!" I said.

Wow he knows how to pee me off.

"I'm getting the band aids, can you shut the window?" I said, turning away.

"Of course." He said.

*2 hours, a box of band aids, and a lot of ice later..*

"How are you doing?" I said, once both of us were in our PJ's and the time was about 1:29 in the morning.

"I'm great." He said.

"You want to get ready for bed now?" I said.

"Whatever you like, Miss Mills."

"Alright then, let's do it.

where do you want to sleep?" I said.

"This couch is unbelievably comfortable, may I sleep here?" He said.

"Sure." I said, going to the closet to grab the blankets & pillow.

"Thank you Miss Mills, I've got it from here."

"Ok. Goodnight Ichabod. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Goodnight leutenate. I'm just going to hope that that's an expression that this generation uses." He said smiling.

He's hilarious.



hey guys!

what do you think of this chapter?

I'm making more ASAP!

sorry I didn't update for a while.


& let's try to make it to 45+ VOTES!

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