Okay, okay, i'll spill what happened- you will be happy

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{ recap- Abbie and Harley are on their way to rescue Jenny before she gets barried alive, while Ichabod is looking into getting a new house }

*abbie's POV*

You know those days when no matter what you do nothing seems to go as planned?
For example, going to get gas.

You look at the gas tank and it seems like it would be enough to drive a few blocks and refill before you attend another event, considering you would be packed with work that day.

The gas station is in eye sight, right, then all of a sudden the car slows down, the wheels stop, and you are stuck in the middle of the road with a hungover man and a frustrated old lady on her period behind you honking.

Well, at least that's one analogy for what's happening now.

I shout at the guy. Even I could speed faster and still not have the cops on my tail. (Even if they were from the same station as I was, which they were)

I was turned around in the passenger seat, my back to the front of the car, trying to motion to Greg (newbie at the police station, nice determined guy but we don't talk much) that everything was cool.

Harley said back as the car started to pick up speed.

I turned on the sirens and called in more officers to the location.

It's so odd, that somehow the person behind all this figured out Jenny's phone passcode, went to her messages, and somehow got Jenny into the position she was in now.

Jenny is pretty tough, so for her to get in a beef with this guy must mean he's on the opposite side of the fence, if you know what I mean.

295 Miller Avenue,
295 Miller Avenue,
295 Miller Avenue,
295 Miller Avenue,

Why did I recognize that address...

I think I might've had a birthday party on that street, or at the park there.. How old was I turning, 8, 9, maybe 10?

I remember a kid throwing up all over my cake, and some punks crashing it.
Of course, my mother wasn't around- or maybe she was just sitting back somewhere watching.

I remember Jenny going up to the punks and kicking one of them in the balls for me.
Best sister bonding moment a girl could ask for if I say so myself.

I even remember going home and crying that night- not because my party got semi-ruined, but because that was the first time I even remember seeing something that looked like a demon.

Obviously I know now that that wasn't the case, but I was a kid.
Kids think things out of proportion.

One moment you are eating ice cream, the next you think a monster is hiding behind the ice cream truck.

But that's life, what are you gonna do.

I would've forgotten that place by now, but it was also where my High School prom was held,

where I was ditched by my "guy best friend" who ended up choking my "best friend" with his tongue down her throat in the girls restroom.
His name, Dick, suited him well if I may say so myself.

But life is too short for teenage sob stories, so I eventually got over it.

I repeated the address so many times in my head and out loud that I might as well get it tattooed on my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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