How to get out...

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*abbie's POV*

"There is no way that-" began Jenny.

"Shut up!" I whisper shouted to her. There's gotta be someone in here.

I turned my head in the direction of where the door just shut, trying to see through the pitch black darkness to the door- and not even mentioning the corps hanging around here.. Literally.

We were all crouched down near the corner, ready to attack on point.

I grabbed my gun out of my pocket and aimed for the door, along with turning my head towards Ichabod to see him doing the same thing.

Jenny reached in her back pocket and brought out something rectangular and it looked pretty wide to have fitten in her back pocket.

"Is that a tazer?" I eyed her.

"The question we should be asking ourselves right now is how did she get it?" Ichabod said.

Jenny chuckled,

"Nahhh, don't worry about it. Let's just say that I've spend a lot of time with the police and I've learned a few tricks."

she smirked.

I was about to say something, but then I realized that there honestly wasn't really a point.

We all- as if on cue- stepped forward to get in the front of everyone.

I was about to advance forward when Ichabod put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry miss mills, I'll go and make sure there's nothing in this darkness that could be harmful." He said while looking forward dramatically.

Jenny rolled her eyes and smiled her sarcastic smile.

Ichabod took two steps forward, and tripped on a thin but long hard cardboard box that was under about 7 huge boxes, causing 5 of them to fall right in front of him, almost landing on his head as he jumped backwards back towards me & Jenny.

"Our hero."

Said Jenny as she went in front of Ichabod and pushed the boxes out of her 'walking zone' (as she called it).

I laughed. I don't know if it was Jenny's reaction, or the pouting face that Ichabod was making that made me laugh, but I just felt the need.

Ichabod cracked a smile and turned towards Jenny.

"Well we all can't be gifted with the skill of nonclumbsiness, now can we?" He said at her.

She stopped in mid step and turned around slowly to face him & raised her eyebrows.

"Don't push it, tall brown & British."

She replied as Ichabod backed up towards me and she turned back to keep walking towards the door again.

"Wait guys!"

I said finally getting an idea.

"What? We gotta keep moving Abbie" said Jenny.

"We can keep moving after we check to see what's in the boxes that you just kicked and Ichabod just knocked over."

I replied while bending down and grabbing the ends/corners of the box to open it.

"Wait-" Ichabod said as his eyes got a big larger.

"Shouldn't we make sure that there's nothing dangerous in the boxes so you don't get hurt or anything" he said as he cleared his throat.

"So what are you saying here?"

"I'm saying that I should be the one to check."

He said as he grabbed the corners of the box that I was holding and tore it open as Jenny walked over behind me.

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